General Discussion

General DiscussionCM Semi Right Click Core [MID]

CM Semi Right Click Core [MID] in General Discussion
Freya 69

    Okay, so this is probably going to sound really silly, but hear me out real quick.

    Phase + HotD on CM with level 10 damage tree build.

    I mean actually stop and think about this with the way you can no longer get away from Frostbite on 90% of the heroes early and mid game now. I'm not talking about a hard carry CM here. I'm talking about a very early-mid game dominant hero that puts 2 points into AA and 4 points into Frostbite by level 7 with Phase and a HotD, with that added 50 damage tree, running at you by 12-14 minutes into the game. I am going to try this and I'm going to try to get mid to do it with. If not mid, then I'll try to jungle her to 10 with the current way the map is designed and how fast it can happen now with the reworked experience graphs. I currently don't know what to expect in there or how often I'll be able to gank other lanes or w/e, but I know I'll be able to pick up extra Clarity potions and not have to worry about them being popped while jungling. Sooo there's that.

    I also know this probably isn't the best of ideas, but I really want to try this, so what I'm asking is: Does anyone have a real suggestions for other early-mid game itemization for this kind of play style? Or a sorta-the-same kind of skill build that would result in the same early game dominance? I feel like I'm going to try to pioneer something that's going to get me reported and laughed at a lot, but I really would like some honest criticism from better players on this.


      Everything can work.

      Freya 69

        Problem A: What is the best starting items to lh in a 1v1 lane with a hero that has superior damage to CM.


          Your main problem is you are comparing how she would be vs 6.88 heroes. everyone has been buffed from the last patch.


            first of all "HARD" carry cm LUL

            Freya 69

              ROOT MECHANICS
              Root now disables the following movement spells: Burrow Strike, Waveform, Blink Strike, Phantom Strike, Reality Rift, Pounce, Skewer, Ball Lightning, Timber Chain, Rolling Boulder, Icarus Dive, Leap, Poof, and Time Walk.

              This is what I was referring to when I mentioned the way Frostbite currently works. You basically HAVE to take the 3 second 300 damage root now, unless you have an inbuilt BKB. I can tell you exactly how many times I auto attack a rooted enemy with Tranqs at 2 seconds standard time with CM: 3. That's with attack moving. With a placed Nova, that can easily become 3 more. With 74 extra damage per attack, it starts to add up. And that's without the added 20 attack speed that may or may not add in another 3-4 auto attacks.

              Freya 69

                @NightBlade-x72 sigh


                  Honestly it seems like most of the supports can be played as a surprise mid with 1 of their trees. Will make the drafting phase slot more fun. Most heroes will have multiple possible roles.


                    Actually any hero can play any role now
                    Except for one dimensional ones like SF, QoP, etc


                      How about lich lv 25 talent?

                      Freya 69

                        Uber defense or Skadi orb effect. Either way, both are really good, but I can count the number of times I've reached 25 on anything less than a farming core or a really long game, so I'll be mostly looking to the first 2 talents in most cases and the 3rd in the longer ones. I would like to have the 4th, but I can't see most of my games going on that long to be fair.

                        Father Jack from Marketing

                          I like it but you will probably have a bad day vs someone good

                          Freya 69

                            So I tried to do this in the jungle as fast as I could and the results were as expected really. Keep in mind this was in a lobby for 6.88 still and I have yet to see what the jungle in 7.00 looks like.

                            4:30 minutes I was level 4 and had Phase Boots in my inventory and a level 2 Frostbite ready to gank the safe lane.

                            First things first, starting items -

                            You might be wondering why I put items in that actually went over the starting gold and that is because the Mango, which is 125 gold in this, will be 110 gold in 7.00. 640 - 15 = 625 gold total. You might also be wondering why there is no hp regen. Period. To be honest, it isn't actually needed unless you're looking at a minute 1 jungle roaming zoner type situation, which you could very well be. The reason I put a Mantle and Iron Branch in there is because, well, it feels much more smoother than when I've tried without. Like, waaay smoother; I think its the mana pool at work more than anything. The Mango is for after your 2nd Frostbite. It accelerates farm by giving a 3rd use instantly without any sort of delay. The Clarity potions themselves need no explanation and in 7.00 NC can't even remove them if I understand it right.

                            Now here's where it gets kind of messy.

                            To do this I had to be very precise. Large camp first ofc. It can't hold more than 3, so wipe it before the 1 minute mark with your wild Mango. Then get the biggest creep of this camp again and leave the little ones behind. Move over to the next large camp and wipe it for your second level in AA. At this point you can just keep Clarity potions on and go from large camp to medium camps, wiping anything above level 3 or 4. By 5 minutes at the latest, you should be level 4 and have Phase Boots on hand and be ready to gank. I don't like leaving lanes to themselves for this long and if I could farm 1240 gold faster than this with pulls and zoning or with starting hp regen, I would, of course.

                            I can't see this working in a higher level of Dota yet, especially if it became so common you'd pick a jungle roamer just to shut it down even in pubs, but I'll see what I can do with a little more time and understanding of the new map changes when it happens.

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                                One thing not mentioned here is dominated creeps are FAST. They move faster than cm does with boots. If you can micro you can get body blocks easily

                                I tried a few games jungling on the test client and when you hit level 10 you really feel the difference the free Demon Edge gives you. I would shoot for hotd, blight stone, phase boots, wand, wind lace, and a null talisman and by that point you do a ton of damage with good auras

                                The great thing is you can buy all these value items and still carry wards

                                Freya 69

                                  @reinstalled dota actually Explain, please. And make it so a 3k scrub like me can understand.

                                  Freya 69

                                    @edictzero I forgot about Blight personally. Great item for this kind of play style. And I agree, I still think CM is a support, just that she can now legit auto attack in confrontations as well.

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                                      Waveform and Time walk countered, why not ball lightning then?


                                        ^ its countered by root mechanics


                                          waveform time walk and ball lightning countered? np i'll just burrowstrike away

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                                          Johnny Rico

                                            ^ its countered by root mechanics


                                              People never read the fucking changelogs, do they?


                                                fine I'll just pick pa and leap away

                                                Johnny Rico

                                                  ^ its countered by root mechanics


                                                    almost all mobility spells are countered by roots now if not all of them.