General Discussion

General DiscussionHow would you Fully slot a Lone druid + bear

How would you Fully slot a Lone druid + bear in General Discussion

    you get 9 items for druid and 9 for bear and you can even have +2 moonshards to consume

    aka you can have 20 total items

    so what would you buy for the other 18 slots to make the hero+bear be really efficient for most cases/scenarios

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      probably 18 iron branches since they're very cost efficient


        I think its 6 + 6 + 3 not 6 + 6 + 6 bear and ld share backpack right??


          they have separate backpacks


            WWCD (What Would Cookie Do?)


              12 bashers


                so far im playin dotes nvr found a 12 slotted luxury items druid. i would say hex, abyssal, bkb, and refresher will be OP


                  but those 3 extra slota dont affect hero ...right?so its still the same


                    ^ also bloodthorn and bots on bear, aghs on LD


                      they're muted, you can swap items if you're good at microing


                        main hero: guardian greaves, hurricane pike, heart, linkin sphere, manta, skadi, in backpack ags, refresher, bkb, plus consumed moonshard

                        bear: bots2, ac, mkb, silver edge, radiance, desolator

                        6+6+3+moonshard = 16 slotted hero. Bear can solo enemy base even with backdoor protection and main hero is unkillable


                          ^the key problem of any ld player going into the lategame is that the bear dies ultra fast to all the ppl who deal physical damage


                            In that one tournament hosted by sir action slacks and his crew where heroes were eliminated from the series after you picked them, in one of the later games someone was forced to play LD(I believe it was EG), and the game went late. But the bear had a shadow blade and bots and ld had an ags and the enemy team couldn't leave their base or the bear would stealth in and take a racks before they could even tp in. The bear then refreshed by the time the enemy could push out the lanes again, and if it didn't, he had a refresher in his stash to just bring it back. The bear was 6 slotted too and could solo any hero so they had to send multiple heroes to disable it

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                              ^ That was OG playing the LD vs EG in the grand final match. It's vital to understand that this was the grand final, because there were not many heroes to pick to counter the hero very effectively. EG's cores were Windranger, Visage, and Doom.


                                oh yeah. but the point was that the bear dies from physical damage, which isn't true unless you can disable him first. He lasted a long time even with a core wind ranger focus firing it