manacost for jumping onto a tree
(not when jumping from tree to tree)
Yeah, that has a good point.
Also thinking atm that venomancer might be decent counter to him if the ward passive poison is able to disable tree jump
lmfao who cares about jumping on trees when this hero deals like 1200 dmg instantly and has a 2s stun on lvl 8-9
Blademail, venomancer, Batrider.
I am just guessing. I updated my game this morning, but have not played at all since yesterday! I am going nuts, man!
my guess is his passive will get nerfed. I think only one attack with extra damage would do the trick. Also maybe a 150% crit instead of 200%
this hero is so OP that even mnogoloids who are too stupid to play blood seeker can win with him just by picking him
Because the tree jumping thing makes him almost invulnerable and illusive if you don't have any tree destroying/vision heroes
Lina, WR, Timbersaw, Phoenix, Enigma, NP, Beastmaster... (ET & Warlock NOPE) There's so few of them out of a hundred heroes.
You can roam around the map faster, stealthier and safer than just walking.
That's much more to concern than burst damage(Where do you think MK gets to initiate so hard)
I would rather have it with longer cooldown than mana cost.
And Mischief should immobilize him as tree, item or bounty rune, or just make him take extra damage in that form.
He can get closer to gank than PA before someone notices on the minimap
The rest of the skills scales late game so I'm okay with it.
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This monkey is 100% broken. While it's true that no one yet has the knowledge and experience of how to play versus him, the game feeling is trully out of balance. The first skill is absurd, with basic items and farm you can one shot supports with it... You perform regular/bad carry and you still able to stomp a team easily and carry games.
So, predict how long this monkey is gonna rape games before the frog massive nerfs the hero :D :D :D