^I queued with a friend, also no, daedalus is shit for destroying buildings, moonshard is vastly superior, I bought them just to end the game by destroying some rax
also how the fuck is cooldown reduction better than getting more than a 3x bonus? If you need to take out two heroes in duel you get a refresher, not cd reduction, cd reduction will still not let you duel two people in a fight because of the way lc commits to fights
Thing is that it cud lead to a really catastrophic duel feed. Its good but i feel like the amount of how bad it cud be is so high. Cd reduction means more duels, obviously not as much dmg as the other talent but imo the lockdown is better, and u can still get some good dmg
feeding damage is a non-factor because if you duel a target that:
1) Benefits a lot from duel damage
2) May survive the duel through some specific mechanism
3) Can easily be saved from the duel
...you're already retarded and should delete dota so you deserve to feed it
but that aside I don't see many situations where you'd prefer cooldown reduction to getting more damage - you want to get more damage so you can siege and rat better, lategame duels are few and far in between because it's actually often hard to find a good target under good conditions in a fight that's good for you, so getting that one duel right is more impactful
I mean maybe u duel a carry who benefits from duel dmg but u need to lock down, like slark or weaver, but their team ends up interfering or some shit. I cant come up with any scenario cuz there r a lot
hi it's me, your resident marlan.
buying desolator would be 1092538723579x better for killing buildings than a 3rd moonshard.
attack speed stacks multiplicatively. with Level25+AC+3 MoonShards combined, the 3rd one only probably increased your DPS by IM GUESSING, 2-5%.
however, desolator gives you +50damage and also gives you ~+25% physical damage amp.
resident marlan, out.
blink cooldown, sivler edge cooldown, blademail cooldown, press the attack cooldown, abyssal blade cooldown
reducing those means you can possibly use them more than 1 time per fight.
on the other hand winning 3 duels will give you half a rapier
eventually you have enough damage that if they dont leave 1 carry in base you can just pop bkb and punch buildings until they collapse
With +58 duel damage you have to be supercareful with your duels. Because, if you lose duel and give extra 58 damage to some Gyrocopter or whatever, it's gg. You will end game with 4 reports and 5 commends.
750 ms shukuchi huehuehue even lycan can't keep up.
It's down to the playstyle, again. LC is always a gambler, only now the stake is higher.
Another good reason to pick axe against legion commander (+30 hp regen lmao)
"also how the fuck is cooldown reduction better than getting more than a 3x bonus?"
dont get me wrong both options are legit, and +58 dmg per duel sounds pretty fun for a long game, which i plan on trying out soon, you can get 2k+ crits and stuff.
But you dont win just by hitting hard, i think most games id get the 25% cdr. its not as fun though.
yea a max level lc duel my teammate without bkb, i just hex him and free 58 duel damage feelsgoodman
which makes me think its a very high risk choice to make
The cooldown also effects your items refresh time like bkb blink sb etc etc etc....
Man, 58 duel damage is something very tasty in the theory, but not that much on the lategame scenario you will be facing at 25, I would consider 25% reduction to be better many times.
Duel is an awesome lockdown, sometimes you have to use it vs a carry you can't kill within duel, but can be the decisive pick off to rax the enemy instead of just adding damage dueling a much less important support.
Also, less cooldown means more PTA, PTA is an awesome debuffer with a bit of heal and rekt IAS. That carry being stunned or rooted can turn the things around with PTA. CD reduction also applies to passive with decent impact I'd say, as procs lategame should be healing hugely on top of the DPS increase. And finally, lower CD on blink.
With very crazy farm I would even consider buying an octarine core for 50% reduction, I know it sounds crazy but just look these CD's:
-Odds: 7.5 seconds
-PTA: 6.5 seconds, worth mentioning the spell lasts 5, you can keep an ursa, void, AM, etc. almost permanently on +140ias while debuffing
-Passive: 0.4 seconds
-Duel: 25 seconds
People theorycrafting CK support with agh's, why not support octacore LC?
EDIT*More cooldowns with 50% reduction:
**THORN: 5.5 (90% uptime)
Orchid: 9
Abyssal 17.5
Blademail: 9 (50% uptime)
Lotus: 7.5 (75% uptime)
Solar crest: 3.5 (Last 7... lol)
Halberd: 15
Silver Edge: 12 (100% uptime invis, 40% uptime passive cancel)
BKB: 40
Guardian greaves: 20
Pipe: 30
Crimson: 23
It's a shame that farming octarine sucks on an LC, because honestly, the uptime on bloodthorn + PTA turns your carry into a monster, think of SVEN permabuffed with solar crest, and with thorn and PTA being spammed: GG
Yeah it's pretty bad but at the same time it's got amazing throw potential, which could actually make a play more prudent to use it late game since if you're not 9000% stomping. One of them might kill you in a duel or 2 and completely bend you over and stick it in your ass. I'd say it's more of a double edged sword.
Nobody throws that late into the game unless he's dumb.
That being said, I prefer the cooldown reduction talent. Much more utility for me
I've played LC in LP and I decided to get 25% cd red. I think it's better than +40 duel dmg
>nobody throws that late into the game
hhhhhhaaaaaaaa. You're funny. Legion Commander players are ALL stupid and WILL throw if they didn't COMPLETELY stomp.
After some thinking the extra duel damage is better when you're snowballing hard and 3 hit the enemy carry before he comes online, but most of the time the CD reduction is way too good to pass up
Higher uptime for PTA, duel, dagger, and BKB? Hell yes
guys you know what this +40 damage is. Its a buff to legion aghs. If you're doing decently in a game and you get aghs and the plus 40 damage you can delete heros from teamfights without risking getting interupted. as long as youre not really dumb and you dont go on a hero with blademail it should be pretty safe.
@Marlan: Yes, Deso is better than a 3rd moonshard, I agree, but I just grabbed something from the secret shop so I could end the game, I'd either have to wait for deso to arrive for a long time, or risk getting to close to their fountain and throwing, so good catch there
Potential 40 dmg, huh... you could overkilling people after snowballing with that.
Or you could use CD reducer to have a chance when enemy got bigger snowball than you.
Big damage sounds cooler than it does,
But it still cool.
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So I have no fucking idea whose idea this was, but it's kinda ridiculous. You can reach level 25 by 40 minutes and if the game is still going by then and you can make some pickoffs the damage bonus is retarded, I managed to get over 500 duel damage in this game (https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2843192722)
Of course, that doesn't change the fact LC is a shit hero who may have little use for it unless you have 10k building damage (happened in a few games recently though), but this seems just retarded to me.