General Discussion

General DiscussionNew Mask of Madness for void

New Mask of Madness for void in General Discussion

    Ever since they removed backtrack, MoM was pretty meh on void cause if you got stunlocked you'd evaporate, but now that it silences and applies -5 armour, could this be a relatively good dps boost for him?
    At say level 10 with aquila and pms you have 11 armour (12 with agi treads) so the armour loss doesnt hit you too hard. Is the silence too much of a deal breaker? Bearing in mind if you pull off your combo you only have approx 2.5 seconds of not being able to jump once chrono ends

    Questa Discussione è stata modificata
    meteor hammer

      who knows!

      Nero Scarlet

        Personally I think it's much better now. Just gotta remember to pop the mask AFTER chronosphere


          dumb question time
          where can i find a normal readable patch notes list

            Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

              in theory i think echo sabre > mom in general
              when you want raw damage i guess mom is better
              but you rarely want raw damage on void, since overall stats are much better


                ppl arguing about slark and mom, i just see the visage buff and i alrdy know what im gonna do for the next couple of months


                  Silencing urself as void is asking to lose. Imo u can just buy vlads linkens manta and u accomplish so much more. Btw does void still buy diffusal? Pretty sure he does but not being able to get rid of silence seems rlly bad.

                  meteor hammer

                    im going to go ruin a party game at some point by going midas mom MJ xd


                      Stupid question time 2.0 do bkb or manta dispel the mom silence?

                      meteor hammer


                        Riguma Borusu

                          ^no, I almost lost a sven game because I believed a bkb would

                          I had to sell mom because it's easy to fuck up


                            Damn, I thought it would be a core pickup on Luna, sven, jugg, void etc. guess it's still kinda viable on sven if you already stormbolt, ult and pop third skill. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


                              Its horrible on void but not a bad item. I think troll, luna, sven, sniper go for it


                                its absolutely horrible on void. other heroes it could be fine. Think of the listed ones it would be best on sniper.

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  It's good on sven in theory because you can use it and not miss any of your spell's cooldowns before it runs out, but the problem is more that it is extremely easy to fuck up with it, if you can avoid that, it should work out fine, I guess


                                    He's still not the guy that fully relies on chronosphere
                                    So no
                                    You still need to timewalk out
                                    You still need to land sick time dilation
                                    Not to mention the minus armor that lingers for about 1 second after chronosphere ends, either you run and waste the MoM duration and die, or stick around to hit people and die faster


                                      MOM should be core on void


                                        Jacked stop it isnt even a funny meme its just retarded.
                                        What happens when void goes MoM (pre 7.00 lul cant play)
                                        Bought blink pretty late but ended up getting 3-4 kills in the next 3-4 min and then snowballed hard.


                                          However I see mjo getting picked up more in the future
                                          That lvl 25 suparlong timewalk man


                                            Stop trying to bring up irrelevant normal skill outdated games man
                                            I know your insights makes sense but pls


                                              No i will boast my best ns skills. Running around murdering and if it doesnt work then standing in mid for 10 min. My averge gpm is 400 and in proud. #700MMRandProud