General Discussion

General Discussionpredict my winstreak

predict my winstreak in General Discussion

    lycan is so gewd


      i second this, i dont think u can lose with this hero against anyone below 4k

      Potato Marshal

        90% you will lose the next match
        10% you lose the match after that


          yep shit , lc feed so hard early game


            you jinx it, your mistake

            1-IceTea 🌟

              For dog stain player that pick Lycan after he buffed,I am the true love of Lycan I spammed him even no one wants him,all dog stain please stay away from my love.U disgusting ugly frog

              Questo commento è stato modificato

                While you guys are fapping to lycan I might focus to CK as replacement to Mr. Dobberman

                1-IceTea 🌟

                  Admit it,you will just spam Techies,it's so fun right?