General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat to build as lycan if u need to fight a lot more (no necrobook)

What to build as lycan if u need to fight a lot more (no necrobook) in General Discussion

    So in my 2nd last game i got dumpstered really hard, my necro3 was so late that TA and MK were one shotting my miniond to the point that theyre practically useless

    I feel like i couldve built something more fitting after my armlet that couldve let me fight

    is armlet into abyssal great? how about armlet AC because they deal mostly physical damage? is an early deso worth it? Or was necro3 the way to go and i couldve just ratted my way to victory?


      Also, is armlet absolutely core now after vlads or are there situations where i should just skip to book3?


        pt, mom, basher, ac


          Fuck i forgot mom

          If i go mom do u think its also ok to go either domi or armlet or even deso or am i focusing too much on items that have no late game buildup


            why would you?

            necro is so amazing on him


              Yes it is but in my last game i got it way too late because i prioritized armlet before it but barely did anything with it

              After i got my necro3 it eas already late 20 mins and TA and MK were already dealing fucktons of damage so i couldnt fight them when i needed to def (im still wondering if i really needed to def)

              I know in that situation its entirely my fault for building an item that i wasnt gonna use effectively, but at least i couldve built accordingly to have more impact in fights

              The Medic Guy

                shadow blade, echo sabre, then find someone in the jungle


                  nvm i looked back at my game and my item timings were dogshit


                    build the same items as lifestealer

                    STE 8-1-8

                      They changed necro books attack type from basic to piercing meaning they do more vs heroes and much more vs creeps and less to towers, so why would you not get necro for fighting?

                      1-IceTea 🌟

                        Recent 5 matches : all Lycan all lose, you should stop playing him


                          i added 1 loss