General Discussion

General Discussion7.00 FPS Aids

7.00 FPS Aids in General Discussion
shai the chinese slayer

    sooo,yeah ffs im still getting some fps drop around here (about 30-50) and i still have no idea what to do..
    tried reinstalling but meh it's still teh focking same..
    anyone got any ideas about this shite?
    (i'm not that good with computers sorry)

    Livin' Real Good

      Yeah, just wait dude, MANY people on reddit are bitching about it too. Game is unplayable for me, I haven't even played a single match, just played it on 20 FPS against bots to see how it felt. (used to get 55-75 FPS max settings, now I get 20 FPS all settings.)

      Hang in there, supposedly a 1GB performance patch is one it's way.

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