General Discussion

General Discussion2 years without playing - need tips

2 years without playing - need tips in General Discussion

    hey goes, more than 2 years without playing (actually almost 3, but played a few games in 2015)

    help needed:

    - which hero should i spam to go up in mmr? why?

    - i stopped at 4k solo mmr, is it gonna be the same, or has it been reseted?

    - what should i know right now before going into a game?



      - atm, spam visage, lycan, or just any heroes you're good at
      - it will be the same
      - get ready for cancer


        Lycan is good rn, prophet has +6 treants


          lol i dont understand half of whats going on, game's som much different

          gonna check lycan out, i remember liking the hero a lot back then

          LISAN AL GAIB

            Lycan regen and push is IMBA, now he has more dmg per min than Luna with the fuckin changes...Lone druid has -50 sec RUssian said + 6 treants...puck at lvl 25 is a nuclear missile...Shadow fiends gets + 2 dmg per is better than ever (imo)


              just enjoy game and play unranked cause u may get alot reported i ranked and get Low priority and lose mmr for no reason( even in unranked u get reported)


                Here's a better advice. PLEASE DON'T COME BACK. Dota 2 is unsalvagable already


                  dont pick tiny, windranger, natures prophet and ull be ok


                    tried ranked but cant have any impact on games anymore + i get reported every game my team loses even though im not bm at all

                    Lol eks dee


                      Welcome back
                      The meta right now is pretty much about deathballing and self sufficient cores
                      Now you can't level up stats, instead you have talents at lvl 10,15,20, and 25 (which can be taken with skillpoints at that particular level)
                      You level up faster than before
                      Illusions got 99999999 nerf
                      Go play some pubs and get used to the new map


                        Also the jungle camp now spawns at 0:30, 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00, ...
                        HoTD is now a utility support item
                        Skadi, diffusal, and mjolnir are no longer UAM (diffu was changed long time ago, just in case)


                          You can't self purge with diffusal anymore


                            Manta creates illusions and butterfly gives evasion Kappa


                              Did you know that if you do the killing blow onto a creep you'll get gold