General Discussion

General Discussion7.00 arc

7.00 arc in General Discussion

    Havent played him recently, how is he doing?


      he's dead


        Oww, what happened?


          From all the nerfs, the one that killed him was the regeneration items dont work/copy on the tempest double


            Hmm, how about the flux damage?


              Rip cancer salve and mangos. Tbh that was not okay imo. Too abusable.


                A walking fountain haha


                  arc was already bad, then reddit crybabies killed him


                    My hero is dead


                      Arc is absolutely useless now cos all they did was nerf what little advantage he had over other heroes

                      Also the walking fountain thing was never a real problem, many other heroes have the ability to fountain regen as much as they want every minute (like tinker and ember, arguably some other heroes too with regen abilities)


                        I absolutely disagree nerfing him. Hes a perfect hero that can only played by a perfect people. Its really hard to master arc and they just kill him in 1 sentace. Sad life


                          High skillcap heroes should never be sent to graveyard
                          It's like they're trying to make LoL fuckboys play DOTA2 because the baby heroes do just as well as hard to master ones


                            I think we should be positive.

                            Now that arc's pickrate and winrate are close to the lowest in the game (acceptable for heroes like io but not like arc) valve might give him the buff he's always needed.


                              Lol i hope so

                              4pos pudge/grim only

                                hes not dead tho. saw some pro players streamed and get shat on by some filthy arc picker.


                                  Arc got nerfed hard, invo got nerfed hard.
                                  Time to pick some ez heroes lul


                                    Time to pick ursa


                                      Heyy meepo got buffed.


                                        Fuck Arc Warden


                                          bug with helm of dominator
                                          the dominated creep die every time arc ulti


                                            arc being dead is the best thing about dota 7 imo

                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                              salty guy for arc being most op and hardest hero


                                                pisses me off they nerfed him so much he was not even close to being OP, just a bunch of whiny retards that cant read skills would lose to him

                                                \\  VintageR  \\

                                                  i actually kinda miss him, like, since 7.00 is on, i ve had never seen an arc warden , hope i see one soon, and one good..

                                                  M u r d e r

                                                    you could have lots of salves and use on all team in competitive, think about how exploitable that could be.

                                                    clueless clown

                                                      I was wrecking scrubs with arc but now i cant anymore. Tbh the nerfs wrre unecessary. Hes only good in the right hands.


                                                        but it doesnt effect that much because it got negated bby hero damage


                                                          i totally agree with slim shady


                                                            and everybody has the right hands in higher level dota


                                                              true enough but arc can be countered by a good team


                                                                Heyy meepo got buffed.

                                                                nope, meepo also got nerfed.


                                                                  I miss aw alrdy


                                                                    CHANGE PICTURE U FOOL