General Discussion

General Discussionmoonshard now good for illusion hero?

moonshard now good for illusion hero? in General Discussion

    attack speed now affect illusion

    Riguma Borusu

      well, it WORKS on illusion heroes, yes, but most illusion heroes crave stats anywas so unless you're just buying it to finish a game by taking rax really fast or something (and you can buy it in secret shop so you don't go to base or call the courier), there's no real reason to rush it

      I have a feeling diffusal blade illusion damage nerf had something to do with this though since diffusal moon shard could have become a thing on at least several heroes since +attack speed works with illusions, but either way you probably still just stack general stats on heroes that profit from illusions (most are agi, so a ton of agi and str/hp so they don't die).

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      Cheap Laugh Guy

        WAIT WHAT

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          I would get a fuckton of attack speed for melee illusion heroes and still buy diffusal blade
          Especially CK who hits slow and has a crit&lifesteal proc
          But thinking of it... only CK though


            Chaos Knight- Probably not, since you get full % from each stat point into the illusion damage. But Treads is better than it used to be.
            PL- His illusions deal so little damage that you're probably better off focusing on making the main hero better. I don't think Moon Shard is going to help here.
            Tiny - I could see Aghs Manta Moon Shard doing some good work.


              Dude tiny needs armor, ac or butterfly is mandatory. Pretty sure the build is blink/sb/echo(any of the 3 u need in whatever order) > aghs > ac. Put in a bkb somewhere there if needed.


                Pl is just trash, late game he needs something like diffusal 2, aghs, 2x butterfly, skadi, BoT, moonshard (consumed). With aghs (late game i think its rlly good for pushing waves from a distance, and really fucking with the supports, forcing em to deal with illusions. Aui did a build like this only he had a bloodthorn and ended before butter


                  2x butter????????????????????????????????


                    2 copies of butterfly, its the best dmg item for pl. imo u just go all in, because either they can clear illusions and you lose. Or they cant (fast enough) and u just kill em as fast as possible.