General Discussion

General Discussionis steam down ??

is steam down ?? in General Discussion

    or is it just me ?!


      It's just you.


        Riguma Borusu

          your syndrome is down

          jk, it's fine for me, maybe flush your DNS or something?


            me too can't connect to steam,, maybe steam to be update

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              Me too
              high load it says after a game and no connection now

              HELP ME!

                its not connecting , my internet connection is fine
                even the steam website isnt connecting , the says steam servers are down


                  steam is down

                  Riguma Borusu

                    alright now it's down for me as well



                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        Now I can't even login
                        Garghhh was gonna pour salt on that trashtalker that tried to tilt me with a weak ass "easy" xD


                          China down. I repeat. China down.

                          Fuck this. I managed to get first blood as PA mid despite having terrible farm against Tinker.

                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                            steam is fucking down... now I cant play cs....... FUCK YOUUUU volvo

                            btw u can always check if it's down here

                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                              ^^ Dafuq this is the first time I've seen a China server player here though. Are there any cheats there?


                                SAME HERE


                                  still down? i cant login

                                  HELP ME!

                                    the first time i realize im a Dotaholic

                                    Dawnbreaker cosplayer

                                      ye, feelsbadman


                                        game was already on the continue screen at the end, suddenly steam server is down, WTF Valve

                                        HELP ME!

                                          Terrorists attacking STEAM!!!


                                            @Cheap Laugh Guy

                                            I don't know, maybe the whole game is a cheat because I started playing here. So maybe I'll have this big WTF moment when I move to European servers.

                                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                                              ^China's tryhard I bet there's bunch of flames for MK fails

                                              Do they stop a game halfway when system goes down? If it does.
                                              At least they let me finish the ancient before that. #Blessed

                                              Questo commento è stato modificato
                                              just take a puff

                                                Fucking steam down, gg last game isnt counted LULZ


                                                  even bot match also fcked and laggy af

                                                  well im not in offline mode


                                                    Seeing that Chinese, SEA and Japanese Servers are not available really is annoying :(


                                                      anyone knows the reason for the downtime?

                                                      < blank >

                                                        Probably the last guy in the valve office shutdown the server instead of rebooting it and left. nobody can fix it now kappa

                                                        Merry christmas

                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato



                                                            Time for dark souls 3, man that game feels like I'm studying something



                                                                I need to play with my fellow 3k patients. Volvo pls...!

                                                                  Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore
                                                                  HELP ME!

                                                                    DDOS?!?!!?! u serious? hahaha shit's too funny !


                                                                      We need to fight hackers who try to prevent us from playing our favourite game. Personally i gave up gaming many years ago and i came back to play this game only and nothing else. So don't fuck with me or i'm gonna feed you to my sharks ddosers!

                                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                        post after its already down lul


                                                                          there are about 200 ppl claiming they ddossed it. Truth is nobody knows shit.
                                                                          We gotta wait.


                                                                            Kids who stay in their mom's basement and try to be hackers, just get a fucking life. Or i will come for you, baba yaga little nuisances!

                                                                            The Robot Devil

                                                                              Another sign the world is going to Hell! Bah!

                                                                              Seriously, let's hope this year doesn't get any worse.....


                                                                                i cant connect to steam either
                                                                                not smthng i wanted to face on friday evening, definetely


                                                                                  OMG steam down. What im gona do during christmass evening :<

                                                                                  Freya 69


                                                                                      Kids these days BrokeBack


                                                                                        This order comes straight from the presidents of our countries. Terminate him with extreme prejudice and never look back or think why you did it. Whoever did this is ruining our Friday evening gentlemen.

                                                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                                        HELP ME!

                                                                                          Prinz Marcus von Anhalt
                                                                                          it probably worked out good for you , you seem to be having a terrible day! 7 loss streak :) go sleep you play tomorrow

                                                                                          The Robot Devil

                                                                                            'You just feel what it you want it to be, what it want it to feel, what you want it to be....'
                                                                                            'Love is just a small thing....'

                                                                                            Uplifting stuff! Upvoted.


                                                                                              no i want to win the next 7 games os im at +-0 as always


                                                                                                Im inside eve online....


                                                                                                  'We don't know why it's down or when it will come back.'

                                                                                                  Whats happening O_O


                                                                                                    shit's down for a very long ass time. already did my daily quest on hearthstone