General Discussion

General Discussionservers are up bois

servers are up bois in General Discussion

    wp gabe


      HEIL PERSON WHO KILLED LOTS OF JEWISH PEOPLE i am so happy my life has a purpose again.




          If you ever mention hitler again i will personally come, find you and break your bones. Fucking morons joking with things that if we had experienced them we would wish to have never been born.

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          Riguma Borusu

            adlof hilter is basically my idol




                Your mom is my idol, seriously.

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                  Remember to keep your post friendly and within the Dotabuff Code of Conduct

                  Riguma Borusu

                    yeah ban this guy for mentioning my female parent


                      I am sick and tired of garbage like you who joke with situations and historical faces that none of us would ever want to meet with. Go play your game now because you live in a free country and you should be thankful just for that thing alone. No offense, go fuck yourselves now and behave accordingly next time.

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                        You are both equally at fault, one being an *** , other being a ******


                          server up boom -25 ty gabe

                          Riguma Borusu

                            WIN RATE


                              Oykman quote of the year "No offense, go fuck yourselves"

                              Questo commento è stato modificato
                              Pale Mannie


                                Whatever kid. Oh I'm sorry did I fucкing trigger you? Were you fucкing triggered you little cry baby? Fucк off. Literally saying not a fucкing word to you and you're gonna fucкing mute me because you have a problem with me just fucкing talking shit in all chat? Honestly go fucк yourself to the highest fucкing caliber you fucкing asshоle. So sick of little fuскing бitсhes like you who fucкing have a fucкing opinion like you're fucкing sitting over there like, oh I'm some fucкing problem to you because I'm not even fucкing saying a fucking word to you. Fucк off. Call it what you fucкing asshоle? Hormonal? Kid you're a fucking bullshitter. You're a fucкing bullshitter. Go fucк yourself. You ain't fucкing nothing. You ain't fucкing anyone. You ain't got a fucкing clue in your fucкing head who I am or what I'm fucкing about. That I'm fucкing calling these fucкing kids tryhards, has your fucкing panties in a bunch for what? For what? For fucкing what kid? Honestly I'm fucкing sick of kids like you. Literally go fuск yourself. Go fucк yourself and everything that you fucкing stand for because I'm gonna tell you right now, you don't stand for shit kid. You don't stand for fucкing shit. Please. Yeah, talk in all chat. Yeah like anybody fucкing cares kid go find a fucккing friend to talk to, right? Because you can't fucкing talk to me, you can't fucкing treat me like a fucкing person. You ain't fucкing real kid. You ain't fucкing real. You ain't got a fucкing real fucкing bone in your fucкing body kid. So go fucкing all chat, and make some fucкing friends. Alright? You can make some fucкing friends because "Oh, this guy's hormonal," pffft "Uh I'm gonna mute him," pffft fucк off. You're literally a fucкing сanсer on this fucкing world kid. Never fucкing forget it.


                                  People who mention and praise hitler and stalin publicly like this one, be it seriously or in a joke, are just ignorant and, apart from stating that they are plainly morons, shouldn't be addressed at all.

                                  Anyways, funny thing, Steam went down early that game and I couldn't reconnect.


                                  WTF China, this is not my KDA and not my CS but I guess it is my DMG to the buildings. And there is no abandon, and the game was absurd, and apparently we won? And Steam was down for how long? And the game confirms it. I apparently got to level 23, no abandon. I'll watch the replay in the free time.


                                    I acknowledge Hitler's ability to galvanize a nation into following his ideals, and I admire his capability to lead even when the odds are stacked against him. However I denounce his actions for what he did and what he further sought to do was an insult to our God-given freedom of intellectual will and a vile atrocity to the use of nature's elements for it is supposed to be used for the good of all, and not for the selfishness of one man.

                                    Dilemma for you here. I both mention and praise Hitler, so therefore I shouldn't be addressed properly. But does my way of speech warrant a treatment such as that? I am just saying what I think, and I am not insulting anyone. If so, your initial statement of anyone who mentions and praises Hitler is false, for this situation exists.


                                      Fuck, you almost got me. Almost. "People who mention and praise hitler and stalin publicly LIKE THIS ONE".

                                      I capsed the fragment that I think rescues my credibility. I hope that we both agree on a fact that I refer to the second post in this discussion and that he/she referred to the person we discuss, and that he/she didn't want to persuade us into considering Hitler's achievements and his drawbacks as a leader of a nation.

                                      Apart from being picky about words and stuff, yeah, I totally agree with the first paragraph of your statement.

                                      EDIT: Too much bullshit in the world, usually people are either neonazis who are worth only of shooting them in the head, or they get emotional when you mention that Hitler achieved sth worth praise and they go "Oh, so you said Hitler was good, you nazi."

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                                      The Medic Guy

                                        stop saying "Heil Hitler!" or "Heil, mein Führer!" or "Sieg Heil!"