General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do you guys think of this game?

What do you guys think of this game? in General Discussion

    Even if I was this ''good hero'' dota is a team game and even when 6.5ks play worse than 3ks you're not gonna win alone.


      ywn timber would have carried


        yeah ywn timber, you're comparing yourself as a 7k to a me (max 5k) player and I'm sure there's a big chance you wouldn't have carried this qDog guy and the other but w/e.

        Erdal Kömürcü

          you played pudge mid and only farmed mid lane instead of smoke gank other lanes ? sorry but its all your fault not their you are talking like you need farm no you only need exp thats all and you said magnus was spamming his second skill so he pushed lane af it had to be so easy for you to get lvl so stop complaining like that


            another normal skill...


              * just because u are bad pudge player doesn't mean nobody should play pudge mid.*

              dude its not about ur pudge is better or my pudge is bad its about at this case pudge mid is good or not?

              u should know how to counter pick i dont care about ur team. as u said they are all acc buyers but u just said u lost mid to solo magnus

              thats mean pudge wasnt a good pick here u are the guy who belive u was the best player in ur team so why u picked a

              hero that even cant win 1v1 mid.

              if u did mistake dont blame ur teammate for their mistake . u should play sup sometimes too i play sup alot of time and i have

              62.50%winrate in ranked MM u cant win all the games with only play core. u should trust more on ur teammates.



                damn bro why arent you 7k idk bro whats going on man like wtf


                  Its Dota 3 and mid pudge is so out of meta and anything, as a roaming support you can shit on almost every lane and make early game so much easier for your team and you choose to ignore that, also if you are dire you can do the mid pull thing from jungle camp near t2 for ez levels, why are you so persistent in this outdated style of playing, are you not capable of changing with the game Hanter? :D

                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                    So, you refuse to have constructive conversation with almost everyone that presented an argument as to you problems.

                    You continually discredit "normal skill" without taking there opinion yet continue to argue that MMR and skill doesnt matter and means nothing as every game you play with 6k+ they feed and shit the bed....

                    You assume that the enemy only ever gets the competent 6k+ mmr players thus making you apparently the most unlucky person on the planet.

                    YOU are the ONLY common denominator in your games. if you lose more than you win, there is only one person to blame.


                      But qSnake is dogshit! Idc about all the others as long as there is one person on whom he can vent my frustration upon and use as an excuse to insult his whole entire team as account buyers! His anger is justified! stf.u h8rs! im 12 btw haHAA


                        Emotional, pudge mid is always out of the meta but yet i still dont care, i still go mid with him and still stomp 8 out of 10 games myself.
                        Pudge was always a good hero but he gets buffed every patch because others think hes underatted whicih makes it even more funny than it is.

                        casual gamer

                          Treant mid is always out of the meta but yet i still dont care, i still go mid with him and still stomp 8 out of 10 games myself.
                          Treant was always a good hero but he gets buffed every patch because others think hes underatted whicih makes it even more funny than it is.


                            I thought only normal skill players say retarded shit but if a 5.4k says retarded shit too then idk.

                            Riguma Borusu

                              as one wise man once said, you don't gain MMR by winning games that are easy to win, but by being able to win those impossible games

                              so despite all that you've mentioned, you still haven't done everything in your power to win the game, so in a way, it's still on you and it doesn't matter what everyone else was doing

                              if you're truly 5k flat material, 4.6k games should not be so hard and you should have a good enough winrate in that bracket (55%+) to at least steadily rise

                              I don't have high enough skill or analytical power to analyze exactly what it's wrong that you're doing in every game but I still think your attitude is really bad, maybe you don't flame people or rage abandon or stupid shit like that, but your post game experience still boils down to "look my teammates are doing this and this, how 2 win?" instead of getting deeply into thinking what you could've done to win this game, and then thinking about how viable that would be.

                              Like, you were told timber would've been a much better pick there. Not that you have disagreed, but another question is whether you can play timber on that level. Maybe, maybe not. But try to analyze the replay and see what exactly happened in that game. Can ogre really help you in that lane, or does he need to help luna all the time? Could you even have counted on help from others? Did you think about whether maybe they are tilted from level 1 because they have a mid pudge? I think about this a lot because I know I am going to tilt a lot of people by going legion/bs jungle, despite winning majority of those games, and believe me, mid pudge is situationally worse than legion/bs jungle.

                              You have to realize that you should strive to be the high impact hero on your team, not expect everyone else to do solidly, because, guess what, they fucking won't. Like, I get tilted when I have a dazzle in my team because that hero is basically useless in midgame fights, if he's out of position, and guess what, in 3k every dazzle is out of position. So a hero that should be able to salvage fights and allow you to go full retard and still get a rampage suddenly just dies to a random hero in a fight without any good positioning skill. So after the game you don't say "gg dazzle no graves" but rather ask yourself, why did I expect him to play well enough to save me every (or most) time? Why didn't I realize he might be bad and I should not expect him to play his hero well?

                              You really cannot expect people to do anything right, just focus on doing everything right yourself. You can't control their hero, their mood or their mechanic ability to play the game, no matter who they are. But in most games, picking mid pudge simply isn't the right thing to do, just like picking jungle legion or bs isn't, but that's why I still make sure to bear the responsibility for the loss because I did something suboptimal to start off with. Even if I do really well, I know every game lost is my fault to a large degree anyway, because I could've won every single one.

                              So why can't you think like that? I'm 101% sure that with an attitude change and focus on self-improvement you could reach 5k really easily.

                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                Yeah but still, Pudge is my main hero, I've played so many games that I understood where I'd like to play the hero, where I'm the most usefull, if I play Pudge in any other lane than mid I'm way less useful than I would be if I played it mid, the people that tilt already when they see a Pudge go mid are retards theirselves, they don't know the person that's playing they don't know how good he is on the hero etc, he hasn't even done anything and already people flame and are tilting, that's their problem and not mine, if I feed 0-5 before 10 minute mark then they're right to be mad and tilt and flame etc but if I stomp they come back sucking my dick for me carrying them that game, it's simple as that really.

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                                Riguma Borusu

                                  the people that tilt already when they see a Pudge go mid are retards theirselves

                                  Not really, they've just lost a huge % of games because some 'retard' picked pudge mid. And higher the MMR, the worse it gets. When you pick something that rarely wins, doesn't contest the lane, and so on, you are tilting your team because that's just a bad mid hero, no questions asked.

                                  You can earn your teammates' trust if you do well, obviously, but their default stance SHOULD actually be to expect you to be bad and to let the other guy have all the farm, and that's not what anyone wants in their team. The same thing goes with jungling, people will expect me to jungle until minute 20 and have shit farm because THAT'S WHAT THEY ARE USED TO. They are used to the idea of a jungler being useless half the game, so I can't tell them anything if that pick tilts them - it doesn't tilt them because they are retards, but because based on their experience, I have just reduced their chances of winning the game by a lot (when in fact I have 60% wr with (mostly jungle) legion).

                                  It's not other people being retarded for distrusting a shit pick, it's you who has to take responsibility for their stance towards it.

                                  I mean, you are pudge mid against a magnus who is going to easily get his blink. At that point not only has he won his mid lane, he has also won the game, because a magnus with a blink is infinitely scarier than pudge who has almost anything.

                                  TL;DR: There's no reason to believe that legion jungle or pudge mid are going to help you win the game, and there's a lot of reason to believe the otherwise, you can't judge people for not trusting you when they really have no reason to, and have a reason not to. Most pudge mid pickers I've encountered so far have been dogshit, and there's no reason to believe you're good, if I randomly encountered you in a game. Of course, you can surprise me and I'd be like "well nice, this guy made it work", but in 90% of other cases I will be like "nice pudge mid pick bro".

                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                    Guys, it's Christmas, no need to be so hostile

                                    EDIT: Also I agree that a guy picking Pudge mid tilts me just loading into the game. IMO Pudge's potential is perfectly reached as a roaming support. As a mid, he CAN dominate a game, but I think it's too situational and requires the team to play around it as well. I'd play it in a 5manstack, never as solo

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                                    not arin

                                      reminds me the inhouse where i was like flat 4k and went ember mid against hanter's pudge (with him being like 4.8 at that point)

                                      he hooked me during laning phase when i was like half hp
                                      then i killed him
                                      meanwhile benao came with witch doctor
                                      double kill

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                                        Stop instigating Arin. Who are you to ridicule his 1.3k Pudge games.

                                        Ryan Gosling Fan

                                          I think pudge mid is a very viable pick, you can ez buy your carry enough time to snowball Hard.
                                          I feel like i won Most of the time when i had mid pudge in Team.


                                            Never thought I'd say this but mod is right


                                              It's a kurisumasu miracle

                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                idk what's ur problem

                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                  benao is right, pudge mid is a great hero
                                                  to have on the enemy team

                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                    ^ :D

                                                    Merry Christmas


                                                      Pudge mid gets shat on. Magnus has more dmg, more armor, a spammable nuke, and pudge has no armor and his only way of clearing creeps is hurting himself. I wud honestly rather have the underlord mid. He is a bad mid and is still better than pudge cuz at least he cud win the lane against magnus. If u play pudge mid u get lvl 6, then give mid to someone else and roam.


                                                        Top quality thread, 2nd only to "banned free cookies this forum"

                                                        CHINA = DOGS

                                                          Orge solo support, LC afk jungle, and rush shadow blade. ULOL !

                                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                                            Best LC ever