General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes dagon give spell vamp in tinkers talent tree?

Does dagon give spell vamp in tinkers talent tree? in General Discussion


    Riguma Borusu

      1) dagon benefits from spell (v)amp
      2) int from dagon provides spell amp for all items and spells
      3) items that can directly deal spell damage (shiva, dagon, ethereal blade, radiance, but even basher/abyssal and mjollnir) are counted as spells by the game, so all damage they do is amplified by spell amp and you can lifesteal via them if you have OC/other source of spell lifesteal

      So yeah, all spells and items that can deal damage in a way that isn't physical right click damage (except for battlefury) both benefit from spell lifesteal and utilize spell amp.

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      M U R D E R

        You cannot lifesteal from bash using spell lifesteal, only the normal lifesteal works.

        Riguma Borusu

          ^oh right, mkb/basher bashes benefit from spell AMP, but not spell lifesteal


            So with 20% spell lifesteal dagon wont do anything different, yet if you have +75 cast range dagon has more cast range. Why?

            Riguma Borusu

              What? No, dagon can lifesteal via spell lifesteal. Try it in a lobby dude. He was talking about bash and mkb, where ordinary lifesteal works (I think they reworked it so that it works like that, and removed spell lifesteal from glaives and cleave).


                Oh ok, that makes sense now, i just read wrong the first time through lol mb

                Johnny Rico

                  it is magic dmg

                  Riguma Borusu

                    ^you can lifesteal off pure and physical damage as long as damage has 'spell damage' tag, slardar can lifesteal off slytherin crush for example, tinker can lifesteal off laser, etc

                    Johnny Rico

                      i just said that you can lifesetal dagon cause is magic, of course you can lifesteal pure dmg too, dont know about phisical dmg nukes.


                        so with vladmirs offering as QoP ult would lifesteal?

                        Johnny Rico

                          no, because vlads is a aura.


                            ^you mean because vlads only lets you lifesteal off of physical attacks


                              no its because vlads gives regular lifesteal not spell lifesteal.

                              mkb works with regular lifesteal not spell because it's damage is added to your auto attack damage rather than dealt as a separate instance.

                              casual gamer

                                tinker can rearm satanic = OP

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  I am still not sure how good spell lifesteal on tinker really is, I always have a feeling that what essentially happens is - tinker gets jumped - tinker dies (speaking about level 25 fights/ganks).

                                  casual gamer

                                    that was everyones initial thought

                                    you could try building a tanky tinker (bloodstone shivas aghs BKB travels then either blink silver edge or OCTARINE) but idk how successful you would be in a remotely even game

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      dunno, maybe it's much better if you stack march on people so even if they try to kill you you deal damage to them and regenerate, or something like that, but I still don't believe that talent changes much, if tinker is way ahead, he'll just never get caught and kill everyone without being touched at all, if he's behind, the game's kinda over for him

                                      all that being said, I think that lifesteal talent might be an okay counter to some blademail damage without requiring you to get a BKB in those rare cases where you'd need it

                                      still, it's 20%, not retarded% like qop has it, maybe you'd get octarine along with it in order to really abuse it

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