General Discussion

General DiscussionNecropos carry

Necropos carry in General Discussion

    I hear that this hero is good. How to play him? Item build? Veil or atos 1st

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    casual gamer

      mek first into 90% blademail then situational

      casual gamer


        easy mmr



          casual gamer

            buy wand

            win fights from lvl 7 onward for the rest of the game



              Radiance walk and get ramage lol

              Riguma Borusu

                what boots do you go for? As far as I see all boots are good on him for different reasons (except for tranquils). Arcanes might be good if you want to go GG powerhouse (but you complete greaves much later, not rush them).


                  Was playing necro a lot in the last patch, here are my scrub thoughts on the hero:
                  I feel like the most important Necro item is blink - he desperately needs mobility to use ulty effectively. The second best item is Ags for obvious reasons, but I dont like it too early (you are not likely to use ulty twice in a fight before mid game). I usually build euls first for survirvability/mobility/mana regen. I really like phase boots for mobility, but considering necro's pretty high physical damage with the talent pt may be better choice.
                  So my build is phase -> eul -> blink -> ags -> whatever (octarine usually)
                  Playstyle: jump in the fights when you can use ulty. In the lategame it is sometimes good to ulty fullhp enemy, if your team can react and deal damage before ulty hits. With euls, w and blink you can easily disengage if fight goes bad and then come back for another ulty.
                  I think necro is better suted for mid then easy lane - he is a pretty strong laner and needs levels.


                    Treads wand blademail -> whatever you need for the game, get the right click talent at level 10.


                      I notice that blink is very good and its better now with his new skill. Why not gg boot 1st item if you are ahead and got it like super early nobody can kill your team.


                        Necro has huge mana problems with the mek build which are not solved by arcanes. I really think necro needs at least some mana regen item for the early to mid game. Basically you have to go base after each fight in which you did not kill anyone if you go mek. Also necro is not THAT good for being in the middle of the fights all the time, i think it's better to leave it for centaurs and tides and focus on using ult to the full potential.
                        I feel like the 'mid core builds fast mek' is suited best for coordinated teams, not pubs


                          waow 10 games what a sample size


                            Come on, the patch just came out, what do you expect?)


                              Can someone explain his item build?
                              When to get X item.

                              casual gamer

                                how to have mana on necrophos:

                                1: buy wand

                                2: click r on someone when they are half hp

                                3: click w, switch treads to STR, you now have 100% mana

                                4: if lose all of your mana again because you can't resist leaning on the Q key, click w and use wand

                                if you buy euls on necro for the mana regen you are an idiot


                                  I play offlane necro only. This hero just needs lvls and good positioning. You get lvls then you secure scythe kills.
                                  I used to play on necro as a support but nowdays the range of 3rd skill isnt great. Foundit really weak vs double offlane. Also as pos5 its prett hard to get second lvl ulti.
                                  Theres a thing with mid necro also. But I havent tried it in this patch. He stands really good vs melee heroes and now he has the escape skill also.


                                    This is an opponent necrolyte that made us all look like amateurs. I won't ever forget how cocky our 5k barathrum was by spamming "easy mmr" because he thought we would go late game and win simply because of our tankiness. It was really funny and rare at the same time to watch an ursa running away from a necrophos. ;D

                                    When you have a radi and an octarine on this hero before 30mins the game is pretty much done. Add a blademail and a heart/cuirass/shivas on top of that to be an absolute terror for the opposing team:

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                                    Fox McCloud

                                      Badman always goes Wand - Treads - Blink - Aghs on the hero, with situational luxuries afterwards.

                                      Is there merit to this? I have a hard time seeing the need for Blink AND Aghs every damn game. He also always goes safelane and maxes Aura after one level of Shroud.


                                        what do you think about shadow blade instead of blink on this hero?

                                        just because of damage/as and potential silver edge passive thing.


                                          Blink > SB
                                          Necro doesn't initiate
                                          SE is obviously situational


                                            idk ive been spamming treads midas sb veil necro and 3k seems ez pz so far

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                                            casual gamer

                                              i think midas is awful tbh


                                                it probably is, idk why i keep always buying it. maybe its better on supportish necro since he does need levels and some items.
                                                i guess i like that because its almost the only somewhat useful attack speed item which is nice if you're building some damage from veil sb talents hex oc and shit, but might think about hyperstone into AC as ive seen some players build it or orchid insted of it

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