General Discussion

General DiscussionLife as an offlaner

Life as an offlaner in General Discussion

    So I was thinking of playing more an offlaner role in my solo queue to try to experiment and see if this may in the long run raise my MMR.

    I am currently thinking of picking Void more often.
    What are your thoughts on the hero and do you guys have any specific suggestion on how to approach this role properly without ending up feeding or failing too hard.

    I am also interested on what do you think are the best choices currently for an offlaner, I mean what are the heroes who are currently shining in that role.

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      Just play your rudick


        If u know what u are doing, in 3/4k timber can beat trilanes lol


          Do you find Timber to be a difficult hero to learn? What is the build you prefer on him?


            Timbersaw is love, Timbersaw is life.


              timber is kinda similar to void or pudge, you just gotta figure out how ur skills work and how much you can commit without dying, takes some time to get used to but its not too hard overall


                At lvl 3 u wanna have. 0-1-2
                After that depends on the game
                Items are usually mango tango salve stout


                  Monkey king is nice
                  In 3-4k games or even 5k u can solo rape dual lane
                  If they have tri lane u can sit afk on ur tree :D
                  and support cant zone u


                    And at level 6 u want to have fed 0-12-2 and abandon



                      can timber be first picked or are his counters too much for you to be able to have impact reliably


                        If you're a really good timbersaw player, you would'nt have any probs beating 3v1 lanes, since 3k and most 4k tri lanes are dogshit,
                        imho. First picking him is fine, kotl is the only hero I ever had trouble with, but now with the new changes, its easier

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                          Thanks as always for the precious info guys.
                          I'll try both, monkey and Timbersaw.

                          on an additional note, I think first picking timber is not good due to heavy magic damage possibility on the enemy team?
                          Just a guess.


                            ^ if that happens i'll probably just get hood before bloodstone


                              but is it enough? considering also the time sink to get an additional item to counter the magic dmg? also some spells are pure, not really good vs him?

                              I'm just wondering :)


                                yeah its enough because since youre always ahead of levels and with the removal of atrribute points ehich some heroes get early the hp gap widens and your bulk becomes much better

                                hood is very cheap too, afaik its almost the same cost as glimmer cape not to mention the regen components synergizes well with your reactive and the active is very potent as well. if you got arcanes soul ring hood wand/raindrops at 10-12 mins you will be unkillable and will deal huge amounts of aoe damage


                                  If you're looking for a solid first pick as your team will be like "omg i no pick noob", Centaur is a really great opener.


                                    as for the topic i think centaur is one of, if not the best offlaners right now. ive been spamming him for quite some time now and his ability to control a game is just really great, the additons of shrines and talents gives room for him to always be on the map (tranq + 2 mana regen talent + raindrops almost assures that u never govto base, not to mention shrines exists)


                                      slardar,cent,nyx are all great 1st picks for offlane


                                        also he can pressure weak lv 1 heroes with return easily forcing them to use resources which u dont rly want to do early

                                        examples of this are pounce slark, boundless strike mk, spectre

                                        you also have solo kill potential pre-6 which is always great as an offlaner because it gives the possibility to expand your exp lead into a gold lead too

                                        this is something that void cant reliably do


                                          Rip in piece void


                                            yeah pretty much, iron talon has been nerfed and now less reliable, even if you go that route, eith the new map you'd pretty much want an offlaner that can abuse the shrine by pressuring their safelane and possibly lane support into using their limited resources (if they use their shrine they waste time and take it away from their mid for example) so u can get a huge lead on your team

                                            also this is pretty much common sense now but centaur is also a very potent tower pusher


                                              I've seen the Centaur + Tiny combo, liked it a lot, lots of damage and easy kill potential as a double offlane.

                                              So I may give Centar and Timbersaw a try guys, thanks for the precious imput :)


                                                Windranger is the best offlaner no doubt


                                                  Better as Timber and Centaur? why so? apart from the immunity every x seconds i find her pretty fragile, no?

                                                  Pale Mannie

                                                    everytime i get the opportunity to pick Axe(when he will be aviable in the pool in random draft ever), their lane is fucking lost unless its an aggressive trilane then i go to jungle after their encounter and they lose after earlygame is over.


                                                      but Goethe, isnt jungle yet not viable anymore? With the "nerfs" and changes.

                                                      casual gamer

                                                        just had a game where the trilane legit afked in my MK lane for 8 minutes, double XP sapping their carry and leaving the other 2 lanes to get raped while i sat in trees

                                                        Pale Mannie

                                                          jungle is still the same but you need to walk more camps off. I still got my phase boots and echo sabre in 13 minutes as bloodseeker with one death early

                                                          Pale Mannie

                                                            i dont know how stacking is now


                                                              void is trash this patch in the offlane, timber is really situational
                                                              my goto picks right now are underlord nyx assassin dark seer and sand king


                                                                Lc offlane is really good, but you need a support with you though


                                                                  I've gained 200+ mmr since I changed my mind from playing support on the safelane to going offlane. Cent,Slard,Phoenix,Techies,Weaver or Batrider is my main heroes atm. Hope it can get me to 4k soon ^^


                                                                    You dont want to play that role trust me xD

                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                      You dont want to play that role trust me xD

                                                                      why would anybody not want to play offlane this patch, this lane is completely brainless and overbuffed


                                                                        Don't bother playing normal offlaners on the offlane, pick a carry now and duo it. Offlane is the new safelane since the safelane is vastly less safe now than before and Offlane is insanely safer. Shit got switched fam.


                                                                          Centaur/Axe feed,go into jungle,farm a blink,fuck bitches,repeat.
                                                                          Edit:If you want 1 hotkey win game u can even rush aghs on centaur post blink.
                                                                          Hero is super buffed vs physical due to OP crimson guard.

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                                                                          4pos pudge/grim only

                                                                            ^ any offlaner that can give the enemy carry a hard time is good. void is kinda bad cuz all he has is his rightclick and you dont want to risk your life dying while trying to hit the enemy. timber and centaur have superb harassment ability, but still i would prefer you pudge (you got your level 3 and you can start ganking everywhere) . a missing pudge is kinda mentally harassing the enemy in our bracket (idk about 3-4k pudge encounters)