General Discussion

General DiscussionLosing in 7.00

Losing in 7.00 in General Discussion

    Can someone please help i'm losing every single game since this update, lost over 400mmr. no idea what i'm doing wrong.


      You either adapt or perish


        Analyze the goddamn changes instead of clicking find match hoping to win with 6.88 mindset


          i actually spent 5-6hours just reading the changelog. i know almost every heroes skill tree too


            Just unlucky, looking at your games. We all go through times of loss streaks.


              Have you tried adapting the playstyle to the patch?
              Everything is about deathballing and quick map control right now
              Also don't get tilted easily, or do Renshin's trick of stop playing MMR after 2 loss in a row


                this patch favors those who know how to win lanes. im a pretty good laner compared to other 3kers and i can win games just by being great in the first 10-15 mins even though i start bring significantly dogshit in the midgame.

                this patch u cant just expect to come back easily with jungling because the enemy team will take your jungle not to mention the camps spawn intervals are so fucking long


                  I'll snipe you down Alice


                    This patch u cant just expect to come back easily with jungling because the enemy team will take your jungle not to mention the camps spawn intervals are so fucking long

                    this makes actually quite some sense.
                    I found myself tilting for the first time since long and I couldnt focus on my games anymore resulting in a huge MMR loss, win 1 occasionaly, lose 3, etc.

                    I'll try to approach the game with a different mentality today

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                      I think i found the reason to be a communication issue,i think.I never type or speak in the game.


                        i only use the chat wheel and pings and i still win a fair amount of games

                        altho maybe in ur mmr its much more needed since ppl actually know how to play dota 2


                          Just fight , learn it from puppey


                            I motivate my teammates, and try to stick everyone on my games as a team, call shots, etc
                            If I'm not good enough to carry my teammates, it could be the safety net that can win me the game