General Discussion

General DiscussionMonkey king balance or not?

Monkey king balance or not? in General Discussion

    For me mk is like sven or ursa. You cannot manfight him because of the lifesteal. He can deal a lot of damage with skill1. Good teamfight potential with his ult. But very squishy. And he cannot really flashfarm either. What role is he? Is he a mid? Or a core dual offlane?


      MK is not like sven tbh
      MK can't flash farm
      MK is not exactly kiteable
      MK is not tanky

      casual gamer


        if you play him right you will win a LOT

        even games where my pos 1 hero does absolutely nothing you can still win if you snowball and end fast, which is easier on this hero than any other atm


          yeah, he shits on weak safelanes
          strong as an offlane hero but if heavily countered and gets shutdown early, game is 4v5


            Glad that now people say mk is a dual off hero. Ppl told me that mk is a pos2 hero and i told them he is a dual off and i got reported lul


              nice la