General Discussion

General DiscussionPulling half the creep wave instead?

Pulling half the creep wave instead? in General Discussion
basement :)

    Since everyone is complaining about pulls being contested, just pull half the wave (1 range and 1–2 melee)? Given there is 1 off laner, half the creep wave can easily be denied.


      isnt that what u r supposed to do in half of the cases, huh?

      The Medic Guy

        usually i just try to pull 1 range, sometimes i got 1 range and 1 melee.
        this is the best way to reset back the lane equilibrium, since there will no double wave with 2 range creep


          this isnt bad a lot of the time. if u pull 2-3 creeps to the small camp all of the creeps die and ur safelaner doesnt get totally fucked.

          its still contestable and stuff though, but overall single pulling is nowhere near as bad as many ppl say it is. its important that u get levels on ur support, enough so that u can often just prioritize pulling if u have a hero like jugg/naix/weaver who is pretty self sufficient.

          personally my usual rotation is to zone for 12 seconds and then stack at 55 or whatever, then pull smallcamp and clear that, then zoning a bit, securing rune, etc.

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