General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to spam or play IO in 7.01?

How to spam or play IO in 7.01? in General Discussion
Goblin slayer

    How to spam IO in my current bracket? Or specifically how to play IO? What should be my mentality? How should I position myself? I've watched pro games but they seem less likely to focus on IO when they cast a game.


      IO in 2017 TERALUL

      Goblin slayer

        Why not? He's a strong presence in the pro scene. Hahahahah

        rice cake

          Just take both the hp and mana regen talent 100% of the time


            Go mid get armlet daedalus mkb rapier


              Youre much higher mmr but i manage to play io solo rank and pretty much reach my peak with him.Im on about 50% winrate at 7.00 so its definitely possible to play and climb as io but takes a lot of time to practice, most important for me is team pick you need support good carry hero as sven, ck is and many others, also very important is micro your spirits to help to get kills - before i wasn't good with them i had WR always around 40% learn basics io have a lot of "hided" knowledge.
              You should be always nice and talk to your carry, die for him with relocate save also will be getting a lot of coments if you git gut i have over 400 of them.But its hard to be specific there with positioning or so, watch pros its propably best way io is such a specific hero 0 armor etc but you can do a lot of kiting and a lot of tricks,if you the person who like help others,not jelous and around nice person (no kappa:d) you will love this hero.Also there is a lot of 5k+ who play him such a different styles some of them play him as hard support with no farm,also good is io mid or even jungle but its tottaly diffrent you should have then little bit different kind of impact as io can be a carry.
              With regen items you do a support shit as mek give your carry 625hp insta,soul ring 225 mana insta,urn healing 600hp per charge,ff around 100hp,when you have even game that mak and your healing win the fights