General Discussion

General DiscussionHow about this option? Anyone interested?

How about this option? Anyone interested? in General Discussion

    Let's push this guys so we can play above 7k. :D :D


      How would u program a bot to play like a human ?


        I like how 1k-3k are grouped together


          @Jacked It's Gaben's problem not ours. They can do it.


            I like how 1k-3k are grouped together


              It's not easy at all. They wouldn't invest resources to make bots better. But community authored bots are possible and I still don't see this being possible


                Btw I heard one of the 7k+ bot is named Amer

                The Medic Guy

                  no, valve just too lazy to create bot script


                    Or they can do it like this:

                    1-4k. NS (Mostly Passive / Slow hands)
                    4-6k. Insane VHS. (Fast hands but Fail Aggression)
                    6-9K. Super Insane VHS. (Fast Hands Positive Aggresson like all bots are like Miracle-. )

                    basement :)

                      If this was implemented, ranking would be pointless.

                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                        You would need a whole team to study how to behave like a 7k. Creating a bot to play like a human is as good as creating an AI intelligent enough to converse with you without you realizing that it is a bot.

                        Why are you still discussing pointless ideas


                          How about a set amount of gpm for bots, like 500, 600, and 700

                          Vem Comigo

                            you 4ks = 3k they were just lucky and climbed the trench

                            basement :)

                              Hook And Roll, are you trolling?