General Discussion

General DiscussionYour report card *good vibes thread*

Your report card *good vibes thread* in General Discussion
>tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

    1k-: F
    2k: D
    3k: C
    4k: B
    5k+: A

    I don't mean the data match grade thing.

    I mean if Dota were like American school, the list would be your grade. Let's say your grade is updated once a month at the end of the month.

    So, you see your grade. Are you happy with it?

    If not, I advice you to make a plan to improve.

    Ya, I'm just a pesky "C-student" right now, but I already have my plan made out to hit 4k (...again) and become a "B-student"

    If your grade is D or F, do not be discouraged. If you really really really really want to get a higher grade, you will. It all depends on YOU and you alone.

    My first dota game was March of 2014. I thought I knew everything after only 100 hours and boy was I very wrong.

    After my calibration, I was an F-student. Then a D-student for about a year and climbed to 3k then to 4k and tilted back to high 3k.

    I started at 1.6 (Grade F)
    and climbed to 4.1.

    If I can do it, you can do it.

    Yes. There are games where you get the feeder. Yes, people can be toxic, yes Dota can cause stress, but it's a TEAM-game. Do not blame your teammates, do not blame yourself. LEARN.

    Humans naturally learn from their mistakes. If you are having a stressful Dota day, think about why rather than who to point the blame on. The blame game ruins your focus.

    You need to be focused.

    Eat well. Rest, sleep nicely, have little to no distractions. And you will play amazingly.

    Do not play if you have been playing all day on a red day and you are really sleepy. At least avoid ranked at that point.

    But overall, FOCUS.

    Take small breaks in between games if you are losing. Don't just hit that queue button on impulse. Give it a few minutes. Stay hydrated. Drink water. Grab a little snack. May be some fruit juice of some sort. Stretch a little, give it 5 - 10 minutes then hop back on and continue the grind.

    You want to be an amazing player and you can be.

    Don't let the 5k's and 4k's or Very High Skill players let you down.

    I have seen that shit forever, and it's like VHS does it, not to offend you, but as a test.

    If you let it get to you, it might stun your growth, but if you take in the criticism and grow, it will show a lot.

    When I was 2k people said I would never hit 3k let alone 4k, and I proved them wrong, and you can too.

    Anyway. Let's have words of encouragement, but be truly honest to yourself and improve on the negative on your own time.

    Keep calm, and lane on, brothers and the three girls out of 500,000 men that play this game.


      Does your nick says a lot about you? Thanks for motivation bro

      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

        Does your nick says a lot about you? Thanks for motivation bro

        It can. I just change my name into stupid shit since it can make people laugh.

        not arin

          i havent read more than five words of your post i think
          anyway if i understood the point of the thread correctly

          i'd give anyone below 5k an F


            Im 1.5 and in a one week ill be 2k

            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

              Im 1.5 and in a one week ill be 2k

              Good job, now get to work, sonny c;


                I guarantee only 10% of the people that open this thread will read all of those lines of text


                  Different mmr range should be more like high school>college>masters


                    You can have different winrates as you go through each section showing how well u performed as you climbed. That's your grade

                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                      I guarantee only 10% of the people that open this thread will read all of those lines of text

                      And that 10% probably got a nice confidence boost and a small extra Endorpin release.

                      You can have different winrates as you go through each section showing how well u performed as you climbed. That's your grade

                      Kind of, but majority of your grade is your mmr. Now here is your F, sir.

                      1-IceTea 🌟

                        B-but Jacked is my adaptor,is it mean I worse then F?


                          That's really dumb. So a 9k player just starting out in 1k with 100% winrate is an F. Just saying your analogy kinda sucks.

                          basement :)

                            This has been repeated myriad times, and it is largely common sense.

                            Also, you forgot to mention your biggest secret: spam heroes.

                            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                              B-but Jacked is my adaptor,is it mean I worse then F?

                              No, F is the lowest grade. No worse lool F is just an F.

                              That's really dumb. So a 9k player just starting out in 1k with 100% winrate is an F. Just saying your analogy kinda sucks.

                              Yup, still an F.

                              Don't worry. Gates got an F and he's a millionaire, champ.

                              So your smurf is an F, and this 9k account you speak of is a perma A.

                              This has been repeated myriad times, and it is largely common sense.
                              Also, you forgot to mention your biggest secret: spam heroes.

                              I do not normally spam heroes and do not enjoy it, but it will work for a while.

                              In ranked, playing the heroes you have a high win rate with is smart. Everyone seems to have their set roles and select heroes they play in ranked. When I hit 4.1k again I am talking a ranked break and going to train with heroes I rarily use or have a low win rate with.

                              Questo commento è stato modificato
                              Vem Comigo

                                D - C just like everithiong after the fifht year, when i stoped trying to get good grades cause my father lied to me about buying a ps2 if i got 6 or more10/A+

                                Questo commento è stato modificato
                                basement :)

                                  It is also ironic that the person advocating anti-tilt advice is the one tilting or blaming tilt.

                                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                    D - C just like everithiong after the fifht year, when i stoped trying to get good grades cause my father lied to me about buying a ps2 if i got 6 or more10/A+

                                    Screw your dad, be your own motivator, make your own goals, reward yourself after reaching certain "checkpoints".

                                    For example, when I got myself 100% out of 2k and hit 3.3 and kept climbing, I took myself out to a nice dinner and rewarded myself for hitting past my goal, and hit my checkpoint.

                                    I was going to something more simple for hitting 4k, but 4.1 is not enough since, well, you can drop to 3.6 and have a 3.6 - 3.7 stun for a week or two straight loool

                                    When I hit around 4.3 is when I will probably take me and my gf out somewhere and do something aside from the norm.

                                    It is also ironic that the person advocating anti-tilt advice is the one tilting or blaming tilt.

                                    If you are reffering to me you are highly mistaken.

                                    Though going from 4.1 to 3.6 IS a tilt. Not pissed about it, just a grind when you get busy in life. I feel hard because of my role in teamplays and looked back at what I could have done (learning from mistakes) and have applied it. I will get my B again, without blaming anyone or raging.

                                    Just relax, have a little fun, and you can climb without focusing on mmr.

                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                      But if I always have nice dinner what should I reward myself with?


                                        Wow Made me feel more happier inside love this thread some nice advice.


                                          Again ur analogy is just bAd. Maybe if u don't look at winrate, things like kda could reflect your performance in each bracket. You grade performance, not what bracket you belong to.

                                          A genius in middle school out performs everyone in his bracket, but he is still in middle school because it is a developmental journey that you still have to "climb" through.

                                          I mean you could say that ppl who drop out in middle school get an "F" in life. But Its just stupid. Some ppl get Cs their whole life but still get their degree. That's similar to ppl just slowly grinding their way up to higher mmr brackets.

                                          basement :)

                                            If you are reffering to me you are highly mistaken.
                                            Though going from 4.1 to 3.6 IS a tilt. Not urinated about it, just a grind when you get busy in life. I feel hard because of my role in teamplays and looked back at what I could have done (learning from mistakes) and have applied it. I will get my B again, without blaming anyone or raging.
                                            Just relax, have slightly fun, and you can climb without focusing on mmr.

                                            I claimed you tilted. You admitted you were tilted. How am I mistaken?


                                              can we just take this for what it is and realize that it really doesnt matter what he is saying only that he is envouraging you to learn



                                                not arin

                                                  And that 10% probably got a nice confidence boost and a small extra Endorpin release.

                                                  no, they'll get cancer for reading your manifestation of autism like i just did


                                                    the grading thing isnt really accurate jacked got it right : "Different mmr range should be more like high school>college>masters"
                                                    it's not like 9k was 9k when he first played dota. he played thousands of matches and hours of dota to become 9k, also his techniques were better bc dendi has played as much as rtz and even more but his ways arent right, but his mmr isnt as high.

                                                    and also about the bluestar-ers of the forum; most of them are douches so don't really listen to them all they say is shit. only a few are really insightful and i can say grew up and arent just some bearded kids anymore like triple^, jdf8, cookies, and some few others. so ye theres that.
                                                    it's like they're insulted when a 1k posts his thing here. there's a post, if it asks smth u can answer if it's just some kid complaining about the match just skip the post why u gotta flame -_-


                                                      No K? :/

                                                      Pale Mannie

                                                        Grade D in my profile

                                                        this means that i am actually 2k and not 1.2k