General Discussion

General DiscussionLone Druid gets only HALF his stated Battle Cry damage after 7.0? Se...

Lone Druid gets only HALF his stated Battle Cry damage after 7.0? Serious Bug? Help! in General Discussion
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    I have noticed after 7.0 there have been more LD replays with double midas. Thinking in doubles I got the idea test double necro book on Druid in demo mode. I've played with Arc Wardens and double necro is nothing new, however the beauty in Lone Druids double Necros is his spell battle cry which gives himself and ALL his units 20 bonus armor and bonus 130 damage. So in practice Druid, Spirit Bear, 2 warriors and 2 archers (6 units total) should be hitting for bonus 130 damage and 20 bonus armor while this spell is active right?

    After testing everything there is more going on here. Prior to using Battle Cry the necro 3 warrior hits for 75 and the archer for 60. After Battle Cry the warrior hits for 140 and the archer for 125. Which means they are only getting half of the bonus damage they should be! (This was tested on 0 armor target)

    After further insight into this I noticed that LONE DRUID and the BEAR DON'T GET THE FULL BONUSES EITHER! I would consider this very important because Battle Cry has always been IMO one of his strongest spells and this certainly would effect his win rate and viability.

    This should get fixed immediately.

    Player 368673122

      i honestly wouldn't have a clue but the wording of the skill is probably part of the problem as when it says himself and all his units, a bonus 130 equalling in 65 bonus dmg each as the skill probably intended "all" his units to be him and his bear as necro is unheard of for LD
      Meaning it's scripted to give 65 to all units at the present time if you get where I'm coming from... so yea still a bug

      Questo commento è stato modificato

        What exactly were you attacking with the Necro summons? And what were you attacking when you tested the Bear and LD?

        Riguma Borusu

          just play ranged lone druid