General Discussion

General DiscussionRazor meta. Max speed (+550ms

Razor meta. Max speed (+550ms in General Discussion
Bigontino Neoxa

    I've been playing with razor a bit since 7.0. It's one of my favorite heroes, since the times he had frenzy. With the introduction of 7.0 he can get maximum (550 ms) easily.

    On 4k~5k bracket, jungle and roamming supps are very common. It's very common they even left you alone vs a hard dual. They simply don't know and don't trust you, you can make a bond playing well and acting properly.

    Razor has a very good laning stage. He's a pretty versatile, while when you going 1v1 on safelane you can go for lvl 1 of Plasma Field, max unstable current and static link, you can either go for max Plasma Field, when the lane is harder.

    He can overwhelm almost all offlanes, alone. Cancer heroes like MK, Tide, BB and Timber can be crushed by a well played razor. He can win even vs a dual, depending of the heroes. He also has a good tf impact since he gets some static links and ult's hit. Lately he's an anti-carry hero due to static link.

    If he goes mid, he can even with a Tinker, stop ganks by BH/SB and crush any melee hero. But actually I prefer him on a dual safe lane.

    Max unstable current (1/4/4/1* - lvl10 or 4/4/4/2 - lvl 14)
    Ring of Aquila + Boots + Windlance + SY < 15min
    Travel + desolator near 20' mark

    +15 Movement Speed
    +150 Cast Range
    +30 Attack Speed
    +14 Static Link Damage Steal
    Situational items: Skadi, Butterfly, Mjolnir, Assault, MKB, Halberd, Mekansm, Power treads, Moonshard, Magic wand, Manta, Diffusal

    This razor has maximum movespeed (+550) and can outspeed most slowers. Viper ult + 1st skill? You can run easily. You can even sell your windlance right as you get travel and still have 541ms. He's also a bit tanky and can hit very hard since he steals some damage. He can steals damage very easily, due to his ms and +150 cast range. You can even seek an AM trying to blink in direction of his base.


      He will almost never need deso cuz static link is a fuckton of damage. I go pike > bkb (he usually needs it but if u rlly dont then try to skip it) > aghs > ac/shivas
      Sny is cool but i feel like it costs too much and sucks in general.


        Also skadi is nice for the slow


          how does pos 1 razor not get outmemed by like every meta hero that we have now


          Questo commento è stato modificato
          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Not going 411 is a sin playing Razor
            And you would still want 10 Agi more than 15ms in lvl 10 talent
            It's like Gyro's problem again
            You chase too far for 2nd skill in early/mid game and they counter gank you

            Bigontino Neoxa

              Cheap Laugh Guy,
              A 4/1/1 is a good build on harder lanes, but believe me a 1/4/1 is way more viable in most games.


                Not sure if +28 max ms makes him viable of all heroes


                  Hey spectre gets a fucking 5 CD toothpick on lvl 25 which means easy HG defense and maphack

                  Hatsune Miku

                    ^ 6 seconds dagger


                      I would rather have a underlord on team tbh. Razor deal no damage tbh and only offer some mv


                        "Razor deals no damage tbh" LUL