General Discussion

General DiscussionThe new world analysis

The new world analysis in General Discussion
Cheap Laugh Guy

    Weakened split-push, tougher high ground
    Wrecking t1 t2 towers are only gold advantage, less map control gained = more chance to trigger a comeback on yourself

    It's really team orientated, if no one shouts "STICK" for 10 rows and keep on splitting up, getting picked off and do bad trades on comeback mechanic, the enemy team gets to deathball at a point later if the lineup is decent.
    Overfarm gets more punished than before, even ganks and fights are more encouraged this patch, you can't lay back at all unless your team is in sync and group up when they have to. It's like compulsory to spam chat and communicate every game.

    5 man push and turtling meta

    Are there any important aspects that I missed and should look into?
    Is it better to go utility, armor or magic etc. lineup?


      You missed, that however strong hg-defense may be, once you get at least one T3 on your team fallen, you lose a ton of map control, as even one T3 implies both outer shrines broken and map control lost.

      So, if you're stuck in base, all your T3 towers yield a high cost now.
      The first one of them to fall yields the highest.

      So the goal must be to defend every T3 at all costs, once you're in a base limbo now.

      Previously you'd lose T3 and be like 'meh, just defend the racks', now it's all much different.

      The reason Treant/Techies win many pub games in 4k is exactly this.

      You delay the T3 push = you have much more chances for comeback victory.

      You lose at least one T3 = you have much less chances for comeback victory.

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        7.01- "we just won a fight. Take the t2 and rotate mid"

        7.02- "we just won a fight, take thr t2 and keep going"


          I feel like you should have to kill ALL the T2's and one T3 before shrines become vulnerable. Because now one bad teamfight at a T2 can lead to you falling massively behind.


            It incentivizes the team that takes objectives, versus mindlessly tower diving and chasing the enemy into their base

            Story Time

              i bet people buy back now MUCH more often


                i dont even think about this things so much op and still am very high skill and ur shit
                if this is world analysis im goat
                u so bad anf trashtalking like people dont know if u lose t3 and shrines its gg
                now fuck off and go play tetris shitter
                justnormal skill post

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                  Maybe not all but let's say all T2s and one T3. So something like combining what we have now and what we had before. Anyways, what are (and were, before 7.01) the criteria for changing it at all?


                    Interesting. Though I'm not sure I even realized this was the meta

                    basement :)

                      It seems they are trying to slow down the game. It is much easier to take all t2 than 1 t3 in the mid-game. Basically, aggressive teams would just kill t2 and then Shrines furthering their advantage, which made aggressive strategies stronger. Valve probably originally intended Shrines to encourage balanced teams i.e. not hyper-aggressive or slow.

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                        Honestly its better to force the enemy to highground (which is hard in this meta) before you lose shrines because before they could just slowly choke your outer towers, then remove the shrines and then just keep choking the jungle away till the enemy team crumbles under your six slotted luna at 35 min. BUT HEY IM JUST A FILTHY 1K RAT SO DONT LISTEN TO MY RETARDED WORDS