General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy did Valve fuck up the item build?

Why did Valve fuck up the item build? in General Discussion

    When patch 7.00 was released, I was overjoyed to see many more items added to the list of suggested items, giving a very full picture of what kind of ways a hero can be played. However, recent patches have retarded this completely.

    No Silver Egde, Butterfly, Desolator or Monkey King Bar on Viper? In fact, I see zero damage item on Viper. Furthermore, when you look at it, the popular item list of Viper contains many items already listed as core. Brown boots are a popular item on him?

    No Vanguard on Slardar?

    No Heart on Dragon Knight, Slardar and Spirit Breaker?

    No Drum on Beastmaster?

    It is infuriating when I just completed a successful push and is going to the side shop with 6000 gold only to see the item I want to buy not on the list. I know I can edit all of these, but on 80 heroes? And what happens if someone wants to play a hero they have never played before? It's like Valve is alienating players by making them play on a small number of specific patterns.

    This is just stupid. Valve, please fix.

    casual gamer

      welcome to non-shit tier

      casual gamer

        Popular Items are now generated automatically per hero based on the top 12 items from players with 5k mmr and above from the most recent two weeks of games

        casual gamer

          here is what you want

          Popular Items are now generated automatically per hero based on the top 12 items from players with 3k mmr and below from the most recent two weeks of games


            Yeah I agree with jdf8
            why would you want those items on those heroes when you can build better items more suited for them so you can abuse their REAL power spikes rather than building a heart lmao


              Why dont you just use an item guide?


                I actually really like the popular item guide. It gives me a clear understanding what people in higher rank are building.

                Granted some of the shit is situational but It's still good regardless.

                Hatsune Miku

                  Vanguard Slardar :) :) :) :)

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    If I am not wrong you still can open the 'guide' with skill/item build.
                    Sorry if I am wrong I only open that once and it's quite sometime ago.


                      Lmao vanguard heart slardar lol.
                      Have you tried going invoker radiance to keep proccing cold snap? Highly effective.


                        drums on beast, vg on slardar, heart on dk, and deso on viper are just bad
                        heart on slardar and sb are literally game-losing "hello im 1k mmr and just started dota" items


                          Heart on dk is highly situational, but i saw ana do it with ac and bkb and he was nigh unkillable.