General Discussion

General DiscussionMETA supports

META supports in General Discussion

    Good Day, can u guys tell me meta heros for support role.

    casual gamer

      venge tree


        Disruptor, SD, Ogre


          Just pick tree.

          I am not a convetional support tree in most games though, but you'll get similar results.


            Tree, venge, ogre, sd, even mirana and lesh support r being picked more in the pro scene but idk if those last 2 r meta.

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                They're not.


                  Idk just like to point them out. Sd mirana and sd lesh can r both rlly good tho.


                    Just look at my account, we're about the same MMR. I recently spammed lich a bit, but that's just because I was feeling it. Just pick whats situationally good. If you're forced to first pick, Lich/Dazzle are probably the most flexible. That's why I pick them often, they are just better for me if I can't synchronize with my team.

                    Also pick around your team, don't counter the enemy (unless they grabbed something unbelievably counter-able, such as 5 healers granted that AA is available)


                      Lich isnt flexible he is a dedicated lane support. Imo ogre fits in basically every single line up. He is gr8 first pick material, i mean there rlly isnt a gr8 "counter" to ogre as far as i know.


                        No counter to ogre, but there's times when a different hero would fit your team better, if you catch my drift


                          Ogre, warlock, elder titan, visage, underlord, phoenix, cm, tree, omni


                            Pheonix? Underlord support? Elder titan? Cm and omni as meta?


                              ^may i friendly remind you that you Sir are a normal skill player and therefore should not answer to this topic



                                Knowledge of the meta is not limited to certain skill levels. A 2k player can go look at the pick rates of heroes for 5k+ and gain a knowledge of what the favorable support picks are. A 1k player can go look at any recent tournament and analyze the picks that were made. If you have a problem with Daddy keep it to yourself. If you have a problem with any player based on their skill level then you have issues that extend beyond this game.


                                  That Ogre is annoying AF, one game he camped me like 10 mins on the lane........ Pick that shit and win lanes for your team.

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                                        Omfg ruptured i will speak whenever i want if i say something wrong then by all fucking means correct me. Ur not achieving anything by just saying "haha normal skill xD". Ur mentality is so cancerous to any debate, not even trying to flame it just destroys that environment which is what imo dotabuff is abt. Let everyone fucking speak. Its a CONVERSATION, not a BLUE STAR JERK OFF SESSION.


                                          @Kitrak is that BSJ from last nights stream? LUL


                                            Damn son take a step back. No need to freak out. I was just role-playing the average bluestar poster on this forum portrayed by you in a thread 2 days ago.
                                            I thought you would understand the joke. But seems like you are stressed by whatever is going on in your sad life atm.


                                              No im still triggered. Ive calmed down a lot. Im not mad just fucking tired.


                                                Sad life no grill on valentines FeelsBadMan :gun:


                                                  Thnks for the information guys. :D


                                                    Weaver Lesh

                                                    casual gamer

                                                      blue star jerk off session????

                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                        blue star is overrated

                                                        basement :)

                                                          Antimage. He will beat any mage.

                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                          very good csgo player

                                                            Don't ever post again on this forum. 1k subhuman. I play ranked with 320 ping and still win games. Please git gud then post xD


                                                              1. Tree
                                                              2. Maiden
                                                              3. Ogre

                                                              Good luck, man.


                                                                Trust me
                                                                Don't point out my mmr plz haHAA


                                                                  Offlane zoning support Antimage is a thing this patch.
                                                                  Give it a try.