General Discussion

General DiscussionJugg items and general play help req

Jugg items and general play help req in General Discussion

    Yo. Only played Jugg once so far but looking to understand him more so he can be one of my carry options... so i have a couple of questions for those that play him regularly:

    Do people build aquila on him and does he need it?

    For early game healing do people ever go vanguard (for the later abysall) or do you just use healing ward so you can build damage items?

    Why do people build Skadi? Wouldnt something more combat focussed usually be better or is this purely because otherwise you can only get like 2.5k health at lvl 25 6 slotted.

    Do people drop the healing ward before a fight or wait till you need it in the fight?

    If you are spinning and attack something in your spin, do they take mana burn from a diffusal?


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