General Discussion

General Discussionis axe agh a thing?

is axe agh a thing? in General Discussion



      Its pretty bad, but there are worse aghs i think. Basically only when ur so fucking absurdly ahead that culling blade is like 1/2 of their hp or some shit. Also if ur bad at guesstimating dunks i guess. But just dont buy it.


        ok i know that but i need more insight


          Its decent vs Abaddon since you'll almost always be able to dunk and kill him when his ult activates


            poor item choice


              @maverick u can active Abba ulti before he dunk u xD
              @triple why is poor ? i mean its poor before Blademail but after i think its prettu good


                No the upgrade isnt necessary its like a 100 ish more dmg and the cd reduction doesnt matter cuz it gets reset anyway. Axe needs tankiness and mobility way more, stuff like sb, bkb, shivas, crimson, force, etc.


                  axe agha was necessary when culling blade had cooldown even if u kill the enemy after they changed it became useless

                  bum farto



                      I know Abba can activate ult early, but in pubs nobody ever does :P


                        U can aba ult out of fiends grip


                          is aghs really better than crimson pipe bkb etc?
                          just seems like its one of those aghs that are meh


                            as axe i go tranquil, blink, bm, crimson, pipe almost every game and with that you already 5 slotted. even in some situation the last 6 slot its you carrying the gem/tp . i think aghs just a waste of slot


                              And tbh when ur winning and already hard to kill going for stuff like sb and force staff to just make u more mobile is also snowbally.


                                I used to get it all the time before blademail was buffed (return damage does not take does not take into account the armor/ magic resist you have yourself). Now there is no point getting it I think.


                                  for axe carry maybe ?(2k strat) abyssal agh +75damage talent, tarasque/assault bkb blademail/mjolnir ez mmr dont thanks me


                                    I pretty much buy it every game when there is huskar. Poor him lmao


                                      U dont rlly need aghs against huskar tho. U can just buy mobility to guarentee u call him.