General Discussion

General Discussionwho do you think is the most strongest heroes in dota game?

who do you think is the most strongest heroes in dota game? in General Discussion

    I think is weaver


      i think is slardar


        It's so stupid question. Most of heroes are strong. It all depends on the situation.

        Catsys Rivers

          Gotta be Sven. He can bench press a galaxy. I saw it once.


            :blush: this hero

            Tu tayta

              Well, in the lore it's definitely Weaver. In game it always changes depending on the meta and buffs.

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Pudge with some kills and lvl25 talent has the most strength, thus making him the STRongest hero



                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                    Changing it to "In dota lore" makes the question less dumb
                    Asking which hero is the best in the game itself is so stupid since it changes all the time and most of the time the meta is not mainly one hero show

                    Sugar Show

                      Scepter am and slark.


                        In lore its definetley techies as he can just explode himself and destroys everything yep. Weaver is a bug i step on weaver

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          kotl enigga ck wisp

                          Johnny Rico
                            Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore
                            casual gamer

                              what other hero can win the game in 18 seconds :thinking:


                                Weaver is tricky sh*t c*nt, who can kill suppors he is not real hard carry as sven, am, ck, tiny etc are who can carry hard, but luna also still strong as f*ck, cm strong support who can team wipe with zero farm ....idn why is icefrog so retarded, look at cent how retard*d strong is that ok? Why just not nerf those guys earlier?


                                  A retarded question.
                                  Strongest in what exactly? In which terms?

                                  There is no single ultimate hero in Dota.