General Discussion

General Discussion318 to 5000.

318 to 5000. in General Discussion

    im way too cool to get bullied sorry


      And there are people with 10k hours and are still sub 1k
      What's your point?

      Over 9,000ping

        And there are people with 10k hours and are still sub 1k
        What's your point?

        Give me one fucking example you goddamned ape


          Can i have your acc Ortho


            Getting to the pro scene is different than reaching decent level of gameplay
            Time spent to play the game obviously is a factor but then again there are fuckton of people who got to 5k before 2k or even 1k hour mark because they know what it takes to reach there
            You're not going to get to the pro scene (or even 5k or any decent mmr bracket) even with 40k hours if you don't even know or have what it takes to reach that level

            Over 9,000ping

              Can i have your acc Ortho

              No. Only fools give their accounts to people.


                do people even know u need to lasthit to get gold in 700 mmr?


                  What if I trade you a 2.7 acc for yours?

                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                    I'm too lazy to search for such account but I'm sure people who've been around here for awhile have seen such profile
                    Blunt posted a thread about him meeting some dimwit with 900 mmr after 10k games few days ago


                      I'm fucking done with you actually


                        i posted about a guy who was 3k with like 5-6k matches once here but i cant find the topic i made

                        ill try to look for it in my match history

                        Over 9,000ping

                          Getting to the pro scene is different than reaching decent level of gameplay
                          Time spent to play the game obviously is a factor but then again there are fuckton of people who got to 5k before 2k or even 1k hour mark because they know what it takes to reach there
                          You're not going to get to the pro scene (or even 5k or any decent mmr bracket) even with 40k hours if you don't even know or have what it takes to reach that level

                          You are a fucking shit tier human waste, full of the most vile shit, you spew the most unfathomable amount of BULLSHIT I have ever heard in my life. Please melt into the factions of the earth you complete and utter cretin. You know not of the bullshit you spew, and you have no knowledge of what skill and experience is, the only argument you could provide to counteract mine is to point out the most obvious and easiest card and that is the accumulated amount of MMR I have achieved.


                            Srry cuki went from 1k to 5k

                            Over 9,000ping

                              I'm fucking done with you actually

                              Good, you're too dumb to argue coherently with valid facts to back up your claims, worthless scum.


                                ^lmao he is more triggered than me WutFace


                                  a guy with almost 15k matches yet still 4k trash like me


                                    I was triggered at you but now I'm actually laughing right now rofl

                                    Over 9,000ping

                                      a guy with almost 15k matches yet still 4k trash like me

                                      That does not mean he has 10k hours.

                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                        Boohoo this dude provided some logical argument im just gonna pull some stupid edgy taunts and pull my pathetic defensive card and accuse him for pointing out my mmr boohoo


                                          Dude u need to be concise with ur rage. Im the local shit head here but i can train u.


                                            a guy with almost 15k matches yet still 4k trash like me
                                            That does not mean he has 10k hours.
                                            a guy with almost 15k matches yet still 4k trash like me
                                            That does not mean he has 10k hours.
                                            a guy with almost 15k matches yet still 4k trash like me
                                            That does not mean he has 10k hours.
                                            a guy with almost 15k matches yet still 4k trash like me
                                            That does not mean he has 10k hours.
                                            a guy with almost 15k matches yet still 4k trash like me
                                            That does not mean he has 10k hours.
                                            a guy with almost 15k matches yet still 4k trash like me
                                            That does not mean he has 10k hours.
                                            a guy with almost 15k matches yet still 4k trash like me
                                            That does not mean he has 10k hours.
                                            a guy with almost 15k matches yet still 4k trash like me
                                            That does not mean he has 10k hours.
                                            a guy with almost 15k matches yet still 4k trash like me
                                            That does not mean he has 10k hours.



                                              the guy has 13.6k hours

                                              whats ur point again

                                              Over 9,000ping

                                                Dude u need to be concise with ur rage. Im the local shit head here but i can train u.

                                                Train me senpai.

                                                Over 9,000ping

                                                  the guy has 13.6k hours
                                                  whats ur point again

                                                  He's Russian though.

                                                  dead inside

                                                    come on dont be too salty he asked politely.. we shouldve encourage/advise him to keep trying.. just DO-ntqu-IT man, get it?


                                                      Sonneiko is russian though



                                                        *asks for logical arguments*

                                                        "hes russian tho"



                                                          Basically u throw in way too many insults but have no argument. U have to mix both of them up.
                                                          Also @BlackFyre he is retarded not for wanting 5k but for wanting it in only 6 fucking months.


                                                            Good, you're too dumb to argue coherently with valid facts to back up your claims, worthless scum.

                                                            "hes russian tho"


                                                            Over 9,000ping

                                                              Russians are not good at video games, they should just stick to hacking elections.
                                                              And peruvians should get cholera again.


                                                                u dont have to be russian to be bad at video games

                                                                ur the proof to that



                                                                  That does not mean he has 10k hours.

                                                                  Are you fucking kidding me

                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                  Over 9,000ping

                                                                    Basically u throw in way too many insults but have no argument. U have to mix both of them up.
                                                                    Also @BlackFyre he is retarded not for wanting 5k but for wanting it in only 6 fucking months.

                                                                    lol, People have said I have weak insults, but I have so much rage inside. I just want to yell at people and make them feel bad about themselves.


                                                                      lol, People have said I have weak insults, but I have so much rage inside. I just want to yell at people and make them feel bad about themselves.

                                                                      you have issues


                                                                        u have weak insults cuz ur brain is weak xDDDD


                                                                          You can do it in sub 1k where people get triggered by little things rofl

                                                                          Over 9,000ping



                                                                              weak insult k lul lul xDDDDDDDDDD


                                                                                a guy with almost 15k matches yet still 4k trash like me
                                                                                That does not mean he has 10k hours.


                                                                                  Rofl this guys insane


                                                                                    im actually laughing so much xDDD



                                                                                      W E A K I N S U L T


                                                                                        Good, you're too dumb to argue coherently with valid facts to back up your claims, worthless scum.


                                                                                        ??? multiple choice
                                                                                        a.) coherent with valid facts
                                                                                        b.) "Idiots" "hes russian tho"

                                                                                        pick one


                                                                                          OH NO SOMEONE SAID IM AN IDIOT IN A GAMING FORUM HAHAHAH IM SO INSULTED XDDDDDDDDDDD


                                                                                            a guy with almost 15k matches yet still 4k trash like me
                                                                                            That does not mean he has 10k hours.


                                                                                              a guy with almost 15k matches yet still 4k trash like me

                                                                                              That does not mean he has 10k hours.

                                                                                              HAHAHAH WHAT TEH FUCK AM I REaDING???XDDD


                                                                                                IM BLOWING TOO MUCH AIR FROM MY NOSE HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH


                                                                                                  Im still amused by his response tbh xD

