General Discussion

General DiscussionBeing Gay in Dota

Being Gay in Dota in General Discussion
the M

    Anyone here??


      will it be considered offensive for this particular c ase if i quote gotvet?


        will it be considered offensive for this particular case if i quote Daddy Blunt and LIFEDANCER XDXD

        the M

          I'm not gay.


            What is the link between being gay and dota ?

            the M

              It's exactly what I'm trying to find out. Please help our community.

              Questo commento è stato modificato
              Bosnian Blade

                we have a first official gay dota player
                congratzs 'The M'


                  I don't think it will matter if your homosexual or bisexual or what other blanksexual your are, what's important is if you could GIT GUD or have FUN playing

                  the M

                    I'm very gud and I have a lot of fun, though I'm not gay.

                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      it's ok dude, it's 2017, every1 accepts gays, don't be ashamed of ur orientation


                        not being gay in 2017


                          as far as i know triplesteal is gay, but he's scared of the russian government

                          Bosnian Blade

                            @The M its 2017 gay is okej

                            be proud of your dickloving nature.

                            the M

                              After more than 3 years of (awesome) and silent playing, I've jumped right In the middle of Dota community's stream of speeches to ask questions; only to be adressed by the community itself as a gay player.

                              Cheap Laugh Guy

                                what questions


                                  Why do u want to quote me katz

                                  Pale Mannie

                                    the next who comments is gay


                                      why not xDxdxddd


                                        I'm strictly homo. XDDDD haHAA

                                        Giff me Wingman

                                          NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080(1x)

                                          When is the 2nd coming in?

                                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                                            If you wish to support the LGBT (gaming) community, I believe there are better solutions than to ask "anyone here??". Identifying a person as gay in itself has no value.

                                            As is, I don't think this thread is going to accomplish anything constructive. If you're curious as to how else to support the LGBT gaming community, I suggest Plenty of Dota people involved there as well!