General Discussion

General DiscussionWeaver offlane

Weaver offlane in General Discussion

    Is this some kind of new meta?

    I played about 3 games against a solo offlane weaver and he completely destroyed the safelane

    As a support you cant trade with a weaver that has blightstone (especially when he has geminate attack).
    What happened in all 3 games was that the support couldnt do anything and weaver just harrassed the safelane carry...

    How can i deal with this?


      Is this some kind of new meta?

      Is this some kind of new meta?

      Is this some kind of new meta?

      Is this some kind of new meta?

      Is this some kind of new meta?

      Is this some kind of new meta?

      Is this some kind of new meta?

      Is this some kind of new meta?

      Is this some kind of new meta?

      Is this some kind of new meta?

      Is this some kind of new meta?

      Is this some kind of new meta?



          we've just come a full circle


            Sorry I'm a scrub i dont inform myself every day about dota :(


              Pretty sure almost any safelane carry can trade with weaver, he will have advantage when geminate procs, but his stats, hp, armor are abyssmal. Its pretty good as a dual lane tho.

              casual gamer

                thats why u hit with geminate and run, or hit with swarm and geminate and then swarm guarantees favorable trade / kill


                  Ye but weak level 1 with long shukuchi cd and no swarm or geminate. Thats what i mean. You can dual lane it and then rlly go aggressive at lvl 4 or 5 or smth with another support with you.


                    Seems to me that for solo weaver to work he has to be much better than the opponent

                    I played mid weaver a while back against a magnus and he was shit, but if he could land his nuke on me I would have to had to leave lane really early on


                      Weaver offlane is not rly an Option, if the enemies are not rly fucking stuipid. Squshy, bad escape. 2 pairs of sentries and you are done.

                      There are some scenarios, where it can work. If enemy has no stuns and no nukes (happens some times), for example if they go rubick or aa + enemy must be lazy with warding.


                        Not new meta wtf, alawys been there. Just if the patch fit for weaver offlane or not. I saw old Alliance playing it first in 2015.


                          Ive played a lot of weaver mid out of necessity, and u can punish other bad players, but its not that good.

                          casual gamer

                            weaver is one of those mids that is very difficult to gank imo unless u have bara + ss + sf or some other crazy kill combo


                              Midlane feels too short for weaver to take advantage of shukuchi tho