General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get battlefury on antimage in 13-min

How to get battlefury on antimage in 13-min in General Discussion
Hope for Peace

    Can any good antimage player give me some tips about farming fast with am and get battlefury in 13min?I found myself hard to win games when playing antimage.Also is the game over(lost) when u r playing am and ur teammates keep losting the fight (not feeding) ?


      Idk if people get that fast bf anymore because it seems they go helm first now. Something like pms treads headress hotd bf.


        Yeah maybe,as a normal skill player you cant do that or you're good at cs,also support can help you to farm if they dont steal cs from you, buy treads first to farm fast.


          Seems only possible on a good or empty lane
          Eat lane creeps, get fast treads, push lane, eat side hard camp, wave gets pushed back near the side hard camp, eat it again, push it, eat enemies' medium camp near shrine, or eat easy camp next to the hard camp, repeat


            build domi and farm rush basher and manta


              I dont mean getting just treads bf, i mean now ur squeezing and entire helm in between id estimate a good and fast am cud hit 15 min. Maybe 13 in a completely empty completely uncontested lane but when does that happen at all, let alone when u r am. Maybe im wrong tho.


                But then again domi first seems to be more effective since you can't rice the side hard camp every minute and get 120 cs/10 min which is guaranteed 13 in BF

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                    ^ what did u build early/before bf

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                      Yeah seems domi can help you to farm hard camp so maybe domi treads bf I think 15-20 minutes bf


                        check 2809231256 at replay /watch/replays/SearchForMatchIds

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                          rush BASHER and MANTA

                          2902596971 /watch/replays/SearchForMatchIds

                          casual gamer

                            i could get 11 min bf treads pms with 0 kills in a lobby in 688

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                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                              HotD AM is cancer and trash
                              Rush your Battlefury
                              Get two cores quickly
                              Join some fights
                              Get full items

                              casual gamer

                                u cant just play the game like it never got patched and hope to win sorry

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                                    Dota is cancer and trash
                                    Techincally so is every way to play the game xd


                                      I am going to admit I am not a fan of helm first AM, feels like trying to turn AM into a mediocre PA/Jugg. Better to play to your strengths even if they aren't 100% suited to the patch. I'm 3-0 in ranked with AM this patch lastpicking it into good games and just playing like I would have in 6.88. People are really obsessed with BF timing on this hero but the manta timing is much more important. I usually get 14-15 minute treads + BF and still win games comfortably.

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                                          I've been treating helm like vlads in 6.88, if you have space to farm I get it after BF but under pressure I prefer having a manta earlier to contribute to fights.


                                            Don't buy boots or regen, tell you team to pick 4 supports, get every cs. 12 min bf


                                              Hey CP thx for your input. What timing is good for manta?


                                                7 minutes after your BF if you skip helm, 8 if you get helm.



                                                  Bf got nerfed, I prefer lightning hammer...


                                                    - don't miss CS

                                                    - hit neutrals if you have time

                                                    - don't kill their tower until you're ready to jungle.

                                                    - Dom is amazing but IMO if you don't need it (80% of games you do) it's better to skip.

                                                    I'm coming back from a long break but here's an example.


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                                                    Bobby knuckles

                                                      First of all it would be ideal if you take the advice of higher mmr players as it will help you in the long run. With that being said I'm guessing you are around 2k and being a lower 2k mmr player myself with 100% winrate on AM and average timing of 13 mins BF with treads I'm gonna suggest a few things. All of my AM games are me running him Solo Mid and the reason for that is:
                                                      - Lanes at that mmr are very passive and predictable. Like with AM I can easily farm on mid lane using basic mechanics and in most cases even keep their nuker on low mana at all times. For me at least 1v1 is much better than having a clueless support in your lane who auto attacks and takes xp while being useless start to finish.
                                                      - Laning phase is not that aggressive and if you have a very aggressive play style like me (I just jump on them whenever I see an opening but this thing would back fire pretty hard against a remotely decent player or team which I think will happen after 3k), they become extremely passive staying on low health and mana which allows you to dictate the laning phase if done right.

                                                      For me this is the fastest way to get out of 2k no matter the team I have because I can split push with the hero and 1v5 if I want to so its a complete package for winning games at that mmr (at least in my case). But that's just my experience you can try it yourself to see how it works for you. The average time for BF is around 13 mins WITH treads (I don't have a party in those games where there was a support baby sitting me, these are all solo ranked). This might help you grind mmr really fast if you are low ranked to begin with but it will fall off in the long run. Higher mmr players are suggesting things that will help you in all regions so the decision is yours, Good luck.


                                                        Bf got nerfed

                                                        What are you smoking

                                                        Doidêra Neto

                                                          Forget 'bout BF's timing, it doesn't rely only on you, specially in your bracket. Just try to play a good AM and adapt your build as necessary. Leave the base with 1 salve, 1 tango and almost poorman (buy it asap). Lvl mana break and blink at begin and always try to harass your lane opponents (and burn their mana). After poorman, buy a queeling blade if u are bad at LH or vs a strong lane. Poorman -> boots -> ring -> power treads. Since you get ring, keep abusing of harassing and mana breaking. At 10" mark if you have less than 50 creeps and your team is losing the other lanes or you are facing a very strong line up, go for vanguard and fight soon (am is really tough with an early vanguard). If you are around 70's and you expect to have some space for 10" more, go for BF.

                                                          Don't hesitate to do situational builds. Beyond Manta and Power Treads (tradeable for travel at late), nothing is mandatory and few ones should be evaded (like diffusal or desolator).

                                                 (at this game, I went for an unusual Skadi, but did greatly due to the long melee slow)
                                                 (at this one I've lanned vs a Tide + BB, then I bought an early stick and skipped BF)
                                                 (on this, my team pressured a lot on offlane with brood + lich + ET and created much space for me, then I went oldschool. Except for aghanim, which when was not on cd made me unkillable)
                                                 (really old school. couldn't win without BKB due to channeling stuns and a very bad void)


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                                                            hit creeps


                                                              Not getting HOD in 2017 :thinking:

                                                              Also BFs trash item now..

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                                                              Doidêra Neto

                                                                @EmotionalDrift at solo, chaotic games, vanguard is better in most cases. Also, it gives you more time to decide between BF's or an early item. Finally, you have only 42% WR with AM...

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                                                                  Someone doesn't read patch notes...

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                                                                      easy ones:

                                                                      1. 10 min- no creeps missed (82+ lasthits minimum)
                                                                      2. 10 min- 80 lh/40 deny safelane, creeps can't enter either team's tower. if they do you reset
                                                                      3. 10 min- 100 LH safelane
                                                                      4. 30 min- 600 LH
                                                                      5. less than 15 min- end the game(destroy enemy ancient)

                                                                      advanced ones:

                                                                      1. 11 min- 120 LH
                                                                      2. 30 min- 800 LH
                                                                      3. 10 min- 100 CS+(LH+DN counts) as morphling -> lvl 1 strenght morph and never level anything again, turn it on and don't turn it off. buy a set of tangoes and a wraith band, you'll constantly have only 25~ damage.
                                                                      4. less than 10 min- end the game(destroy enemy ancient)

                                                                      all are done in lobby games, no bots 1v0


                                                                        Do those challenges and youll be able to do that easily^

                                                                        Bobby knuckles

                                                                          @kr If you are talking about me I think you missed the 100% winrate with AM at 2k.


                                                                            @smurfontino I am not a carry player and my AM is dogshit..

                                                                            I dont see what that have do to with obvious things that are stated and are dictated by the curent patch!

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                                                                            Doidêra Neto

                                                                              @EmotionalDrift if you see the actual guides, just a few go for HotD


                                                                                Keep lane in your favor, push offlaner out of lane when you can, don't miss cs. Pull big camp after you push lane, then take those creeps. It's not hard


                                                                                  definitely get helm on AM. the components make your laning a lot easier if you're against dual/tri lanes, which happens a lot in AM games. that health regen and attack speed speeds up your jungle farming so much. you could easily farm stacked ancients with just bfury+helm+dom creeps. you won't have to every worry about taking too much damage from farming jungle camps and having to courier salves to yourself either. you'll be surprised how often you'll survive jungle ganks because you have a dominated creep with you and +14 health regen a sec. you can actually tp into some fights with the lvl 10 20+ damage talent, bfury + helm and not be completely useless. attack speed is such an important stat on AM, i cant believe they bundled it up with +8 health regen and +4 to all stats.


                                                                                    just hit creeps


                                                                                      Thing with helm is that it speeds up ur bf cuz u can use the creep to jungle early and it helps in ganks and gives a great aura, i dont see why u wudnt skip.


                                                                                        Btw cleave mechanics in general r nerfed, but not in regards to farming, u will still cleave every creep, its just worse on smth like carry kunkka or old style ember cuz they need cleave to fight, and cleave covers less aoe and in a weird ass cone instead of the old circle aoe.


                                                                                          Get helm if you have a hard lane, if you have an easy lane with good sups rush battle fury and snowball.