General Discussion

General Discussionrate sniper build

rate sniper build in General Discussion
    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Well at least you won

      Bosnian Blade

        rate --- 9/11

        casual gamer



            How did sniper ended up having the same LH with ursa?
            How can ursa be the hero with highest tower damage?
            Why did timber buy stick at min 26?
            Why did phoenix buy radiance?
            Why did phoenix buy tarrasque?
            Why did jugg buy manta after aghanim?
            Why did jugg buy BF 45 mins in?
            So many questions


              Answer: ns


                Fx stop playing flashfarming heroes and become a true carry player xd


                  You can't even play OD ROFLMAO

                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    Didn't understand Russian's word but my guess is it'still a NS match ,everything happened there

                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                    Player 153433446

                      Buy phaseboots..dragonlance..shadowblade..mealstorm..hurricanepike...silveregde...crystalys...then mkb or daedelus mjolnir you pick.
                      Early bkb on sniper is bad


                        Early bkb is bad


                          Also, time, improve your reading comprehension