General Discussion

General DiscussionLife of a support T_T

Life of a support T_T in General Discussion

    Actually after I played carry for so long, I feels like trying other role. And I pick support or setter. Support actually is really fun you know hahah . Its like after you winning a war, you would be so proud, cause a good carry came from a good supp. Am I right? But I wonder why there's a lot of player doesn't want to play Supp. When the team already has 3 carry, they pick another carry, they're ignoring the fact that they're lack of supp.

    Any idea?
    Sorry for broken English xD

    doc joferlyn simp

      Suck it up and lavish the +25 because your team's 4 carry 1 supp lineup is better than 5 carry enemy lineup, given you know what a support should do.

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        Because everyone wants the satisfaction of getting kills as carry AWWWHHH FEELS STRONG

        Sugar Show

          every hero/build/role is viable when you play as smurf.


            It's frustrating to play support and your carry feeds


              It's also frustrating to play as a carry when your support feeds, which is what 90% of supports do in sub 4k


                ^ still can win games if support feeds


                  Depends on matchup
                  Started playing ranked again and lost 2 games because my team fed heroes that counter arc

                  Some games become unwinnable


                    I love playing support in an organized 5 stack, but I can't stand it in pubs.

                    If you want to support in pubs, play a roamer and win all 3 lanes

                    Cancer Malaria

                      Currently spamming solo BH roaming support in 1k MMR SEA to get to 2k haha

                      Player 153433446

                        Having no sup better than no offlaner...cause it's their carry on the other side...feed him over.

                        Easiest way to push mmr is to be a good solo offlaner


                          first pick cm, go jungle and i dgaf about whining carry, get shadow amulet, start killing with ult, get dagger, win the war, end the game.


                            Yea sometimes I do feed a lot playing as a support, but I tried hard to avoid dying but I couldn't do anything haha ..