General Discussion

General DiscussionI decide to switch core to support

I decide to switch core to support in General Discussion
Ship -

    so any suggestion? how to play support well?.

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      D: You can start with placing wards in the needed spots

      Dark Lord

        Rule 1 of support..


          Step 1: Buy wards
          Step 2: Put wards on the ground
          Step 3: When someone spam "we need wards", ping furiously all the warded spots on the minimap


            Have a tp and be aware of other lanes, try to pull correctly, if your carry has a big enough lead and he can go solo in the lane leave him solo, go gank mid/top or put deep wards. Always be in the fight and try not to die, but if someone needs to die make it so it's you.


              Don't stick to obvious ward spots, while the marked ward spots may provide the most vision they are usually the first places to be checked.
              Learn when and where to ward. The biggest mistake that supports make in my bracket is not knowing when to ward aggressively and when to ward defensively.
              It's okay to be greedy as a support. If you do not have the items you need to stay relevant then wards are not the priority.

              In this match you bought windlace before buying your boots. While buying windlace might be okay as a greedy starting item it is not okay to delay your boots to minute eleven just because you couldn't wait two or three minutes to earn 150 gold. As a support you need your boots before anything. This is a case of not prioritizing what you actually needed.


                Must have huge awareness of where rotations are going to be. Esp early on. U must be aware of everyone's lvls early, early item timing and Power spikes

                Sylph (Shin)

                  As mentioned before, map awareness is essential. In order to ward properly, always place a Sentry Ward first, then the Observer, to prevent getting killed or dewarded instantly (since each ward lasts for 6 mins and thats a huge amount of time and information you lose). Learn to ward both offensively and defensively according to the tempo of the match, buy Dust, Sentry Wards if necessary and keep an eye on the enemy levels and items. Dont itemize always the same, check the strenghts and weaknesses of the enemy, and buy your stuff according to them. Its also especially important to pick properly depending on what your team needs and what the enemy team is weak against (this works to make the game easier for you, and more difficult for the enemy team). Consider always getting your boots, since you´ll be playing handicapped (underleveled and underfarmed) so dont skip them.
                  Remember to call missing on your lane, or in other lanes if you notice a hero is missing and dont be ultra greedy, farm some empty lanes or neutral camps if nobody is using them (nothing´s worse than a support stealing last hits from his carry) and play according to the strenghts of your hero.
                  If you have a hero like Phoenix who is very strong in the early game and also a team who plays around the 20 minute mark, you should try to pressure the lanes and end the game quickly before the enemy gets too farmed. In exchange, if you have a team focused on the mid-late game, create space for your carries to farm, protect the jungle and help them to get kills and the feeling of security.
                  My main role is support (86% of my matches are support-focused) so you can feel free to ask me anything if you need to.

                  i commend

                    Think what your carry is really needs. Place wards in appropriate spots and never prioritize your items unless its a dagger, pipe, glimmer, force staff or boots.


                      You have to be ready to explain to your heavily autistic teammates that wards have a cooldown, they dont last forever and you cant buy 58 of them at once and drop them all over the map

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        Well you've experienced being a carry already. Now look back and think of what you needed as a carry, what you were frustrated about because your support didn't do and lead you to rage. Now do those things that you wanted your support to do when you were a carry.

                        It's a good change of pace though, at least you allowed yourself to play the game on another angle. It really lets you improve as a player imo


                          Heres the problem. If you play as a core but have useless supports the game may end in 20mins. If you play well as a support but have a useless carry the game time can be 60mins wasted.


                            Step 1: Buy wards
                            Step 2: Put wards on the ground
                            Step 3: When someone spam "we need wards", ping furiously all the warded spots on the minimap

                            now we know what 2k's think supporting is.

                            supp0rt picker

                              hey guy. im a 4k support. if u want to play support i can share u some exp. First is picking hero , u can learn some hero like orge, winter wy..., cristal maiden ,undy. some kind of easy supporter for different match. learn where when and how to safely ward,deward. then learn analyze the game. that quice a long way but im sure u can do this. gl.

                              supp0rt picker

                                and read the guild that Legend27 post. that way to go .

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Secure the lanes. Win lanes, win the game. Don't go too apeshit ganking mid. If your safe lane carry is getting his shit shoved in then you will probably lose. Secure him free farm.

                                  Impulsive 3k addict.

                                    Nah, pos 5 guards pos 1 and pos 4 guards pos 2. That's soloq meta anyway. You can't solo carry all your lanes as a support, don't go insane trying. If you have a retard that picks spec/am and your other support is a taco supporting the offlane timbersaw, then your team deserves to lose no matter how good you are.


                                      Learn how to zone out enemy offlaner. You have successfully done this if your carry is lvl 3 and the offlaner is lvl 1.
                                      At night time, gank mid - use smoke if you suspect they have vision.
                                      Stack and pull.
                                      Position yourself well so that you survive the fights while getting off important spells.


                                        dont die

                                        Cancer Malaria

                                          ALWAYS GANK MID WITH SMOKE AT 4.00 MIN MARK

                                          Lets do Science

                                            Some general tips:
                                            1. Don't be afraid to grab some farm when nothing is happening and nobody is taking it. A creepwave wailing in your t1 is 200ish gold / exp that can go to any person on your team. If nobodies taking it, go right ahead as long as your presence isn't immediately needed elsewhere.

                                            2. Don't pull just for the sake of pulling. Single pulls usually horribly screw your #1's ability to win their lane by shoving buckets of exp into the the enemy offlaners mouth while forcing your #1 to expend regen just to stay in lane against a creep wave + enemy. Stack the easy camp first, pull the hard camp, zone out the offlaner, do pretty much anything but forcing your #1 to tank 500 enemies at once all for 3 easy creeps.

                                            3. Maintain an active presence on the whole map in as many areas as you can influence at once. This usually means winning each and every lane for your team simultaneously. The best way to use this is to pick heroes such as Bh / Riki who can keep the enemy guessing as to your true location at all times forcing them to play more cautiously or risk feeding free kills.

                                            Negative Mental Attitude

                                              Pick a support with a stun and gank mid
                                              DONT PULL CREEP AGGRO
                                              DONT BE THE RETARD SUPPORT THAT SITS IN LANE FOR 10 MINS WITH 0 GAME IMPACT.
                                              IF UR SUPPORT WITH A RELIABLE DISABLE U NEED TO GET UR TEAM KILLS


                                                Coming from a fellow support player. You don't necessarily always have to support. choose what the team needs in your lineup. I am not the greatest carry but I am very confident in the meta/brainless carries. 9 times out of 10 I will support because nobody else wants to though. Just buy sentries and observers and I'm sure everyone else here has told you the rest.


                                                  Its okay to single pull but only if u chain it to the large camp, which i guess isnt a single pull


                                                    aggressive support is the best, if you want to get your core item faster in early stage (boots, stick, urn) , the way is gank and sure kill , pulling and gold rune in my thought is to get some lvl up ur skill in early stage
                                                    for pos 5 supp, secure (safe)lane + pulling is good, and alawys try to zone out the offlaner by harass him, dont let him farm easily, and make sure ur carry (core) get better xp progression, just find the lane who has potential killing