General Discussion

General DiscussionCancer 100min+ techies games

Cancer 100min+ techies games in General Discussion

    Look at this game.

    There was absolutely jack shit I could do to win it. Periodically I would kill some of the enemy cores, but there was no way I could breach high ground due to enemy techies. One way was to kill sniper and then send necro warriors into enemy base, but it was too damn hard to kill a manta sniper from low-ground.

    Can anyone tell me what to do in this position to win the game? Match lasted 1 hr 45 min and then I finally gave up, it was no use. Techies and sniper got a good early game because my supports didn't sentry the mines, and tinker fed a lot. Also, team-fights were very difficult for me because I didn't have slots for detection items, my team did not ward, doom exclusively kept his ultimate for me, sniper had abyssal blade + mkb + insane attck speed and they all knew I was their biggest threat so they focused on me. But I cudnt split push either bcuz of techies. Seriously, I felt helpless af

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      u can do a lot as jung before sniper gets strong, only problem is veng swap
      just slow siege with spin


        There was another guy complaining the other day about a 3hrs20min techies game lol
        They should delete this hero,waste of time


          dude i could do a lot, but I couldnt with all the mines around. I just cudn't be on the offensive, every time I went I died to mines despite clever usage of illusions. Look at the no. of wards my supports bought


            Manta eblade meme minesweeper combo
            Its super late anyway you can be 9 slotted


              @ leFlop and and Renshin

              damn this hero is truly cancer

              @ bws
              isn't one of the mine types also magical? eblade wudn't help....


                i would abandon after 70 min or yolo throw

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                Optimus Drip

                  U didn't have a bkb. Buy A gem for your team. Your were beat by a clockwork in damage. If anything, this game was your fault not your teams. Jug is really good vs techies specifically. Late game he is anyway.

                  Optimus Drip

                    Also, don't eblade agsnt a techies That's just stupid. It amps your damage.


                      Buy 10 sec bkb
                      Save for bb
                      Bkb, yolo attack hi ground, die, bb, do the same


                        if ur supports dont buy wards then buy them urself


                          To add to that, you can direct your team to do things for you. (Ex: get tinker to buy manta, and spam illusions onto mines)


                            gem gem gem