General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to build a carry visage?

How to build a carry visage? in General Discussion

    How should I build visage if I'm playing carry?


      Visage is broken and not a carry you build your team around. With current meta favoring Luna/Sniper/ember lineups, your familiars are effectively flying bags of gold
      Your allies will also have no idea how to play with you unless you can snowball and play the BoT, orchid, dagon meme build


        Solar Crest, Aghs, Bloodthorn

        His build doesn't change all that much, you're just going to bigger items that are damage oriented.

        Also, rip familiar HP.


          Not to mention Kotl is all over the place and illuminate effectively 1 shots your little birdies


            well i play in a skill bracket where nobody can play kotl


              or ember


                but people play lina and ember and now your birds take magic damage as well.
                if you fly them into a teamfights they are dead before you even get into stun range.

                Visage was ok before 7.00, i had a 72% winrate, was my fav hero.

                he was broken before the patch.
                people got aware of him at patch 7.00 and now he got the deathblow and is nerfed as well as unfavourable in the meta.

                long range carries + massive AoE magic nukers = RIP birds and reason to play visage. hero almost unplayable.

                before patch 7.00 peole had to actively target your birds in teamfights, now they just instadie from searing chains or luna ult or mjollnir proc.

                Ghastly Wail

                  Build Carry items that synergize good with him.


                    @thanks if he's so trash why does he have the 3rd highest winrate in 5K+.....?


                      because he only has a 2% pickrate so thats old spammers like me that just are good at the hero

                      and people at 5k taht only pick him when (see above) mentioned counters havent been picked which will probably be less then 2% of the matches.

                      He is still phenomenal against drafts that have melee right clickers and magic nukes but weak AoE.

                      I still dont understand why people think that his birds god buffed.

                      before only rightclick could damage them.
                      so the sniper had to hit him 7 times or get stunned, which is potentially a support still alive.

                      now they have health which is a joke at mid to late game and also take magic damage.
                      you can still get it off but it has become immensly more microskill dependent (and by that i mean you can get it off in those 5% of games where his birds dont die instantly from AoE spells)

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                        i dont use the birds for stunning only farming jungle


                          @rocket because visage is a hero that you ignore if you cant play. Only people that are amazing with it plays him at such mmr, therefore he has high winrate above 5k. And it also had like %41 winrate above 5k like a month ago and you know it coz i remember you replying to that post. Low pickrate = unstable winrate


                            You don't

                            Dire Wolf

                              "He is still phenomenal against drafts that have melee right clickers and magic nukes but weak AoE."

                              like this?


                              I mean it's a lpq match but in lower mmr you don't have to be a master with the birds to do well. Stuns are almost like a bonus, their dmg is good if you jsut stick them on someone with solar crest.

                              He's nice cus he scales into late game. +50 dmg combined with grave chill and he can right click very hard for a support hero. And you'll be throwing full soul assumptions every 4 seconds in late team fights.

                              I think the main issue is he fucking sucks in lane early. Grave is strong but you aren't scoring kills off it, soul assumption is weak early cus your team has to do a bunch of dmg and it has high mana cost, and he has no armor and needs cloak to stay alive. But if you have a carry who's strong in lane you can make it work.

                              This is just 3k advice to other 3ks. Don't be afraid to try him and don't overthink the birds, even as just a grave and assumption spammer late he's pretty good.

                              Small Song

                                I stopped playing him cause I lack even the minimal micro skills he requires. I was doing well with him overall, but my mmr raised a little bit...

                                I was most frustrated with the hot keys. I have one control group for Visage and one for his familiars. When I would select the familiar control group, hit stun then hit tab to stun again with my other familiar, it would select Visage again. That didn't seem right to my brain。If that was fixed/I learned to get around that without requiring being good at dota, I might go back to him now that 7.03 boosted the familiar hp a little.

                                Speaking of which, will the hp boost be noticeable? Will it be enough for them to survive those AOE you all are talking about?

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                                  If ur rlly set on it the build is smth like tranq solar aghs ac/bloodthorn.