General Discussion

General DiscussionHello guys

Hello guys in General Discussion

    4.6k achieved

    @kor add me when im 5k ill start palying party


      nice one i see u pick what team needs


        look at this visage was intentional feeding then fed courier at first then he stoped feeding(didnt play well tho) look what he have to say lmfao

        btw 4666 mmr im cursed

        edit well idk how to post picture and its not working go there

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        mr. rabbit

          use imgur's bbcode link

          1-IceTea 🌟

            [img] [/img]


              dont copy the page copy the image url

              all role player

                Pls f!re go Jungle Hero pls. I hear Bs op right now. Also go jungle wk And LC. Or playing Riki like zdonfrank


                  4.7k achieved, btw i have to thank everyone whos supporting me and im always glad when i meet u in my solo games and see that ur nice words about my climbing

                  So lets talk about whats changing between the low mid 4ks to high 4ks, first of all harassing mid is way more common now like my ta game there was an ogre who kept annoying my mid lane

                  Tps to counter gank is way more often, thats a really cool thing.

                  Supports r way better i get pulls offlaners gets harrased out of lane or killed and runes get secured

                  Carries now accept that missing a creep or 2 to zone out the offlaner is a good idea, i no longer can rape the offlane as much as i could

                  I cant talk much about carries in this bracket as im playing safelane core most of my games because its my best role

                  Midlaners r better now

                  Offlaners rnt that good

                  Supports know new ward places like my last game pudge did tinker wards and got him few times

                  Mistakes i often see:

                  Tbh this mistake go from 1 mmr to this mmr the fucking wards supports still place wards same place to get dewarded again and again

                  They dont balance farming and fighting, carries dont tp into fights they can win or they tp to fights they cant win both r bad

                  Safe places to farm, people still dont know the safest places to farm, when enemy r staying to farm ur jungle and kill u there and u cant do shit about it go farm there side of jungle until some1 tp and u go kill and deward ur jungle

                  A good thing here is splitpushing is better at this mmr reason osnt that enemy r worse but ppl here know how to dodge fights so i can split push without the fear of my team dying 1 by 1, not much at least

                  Offlaners die without a reason for it, if u die to burn all there regen its gd if u die to get creep wave to ur tower its gd, if u die and achieve none its bad

                  Carries mapawerness r low, u know if sf is against u and its min like 15 he probably got his shadowblade eather ask for sentry or play safe or u get bombed, if its min like 16 17 the slardar might have blink and ready to kill u or the midlaner both should be careful and eye on map

                  Reaction is still slow i can get free 2 surprise hits before they react

                  The biggest difference in this bracket r supports they r better which makes me stronger , im way better carry then the ppl at this mmr so the better the supports even if its on both sides it will be to my advantage

                  If i get more ill say them but these r the things on top of my head

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                    So 4.7. I conclude from your long ass post that 4.7k follows pro really well and play like them. I believe that they just started playing like pro(lane 3-1-1) so that offlaner in your branket used to 2vs2 lane and they feed at 3vs1lane. Seemslike a good place to be


                      but ppl here know how to dodge fights so i can split push without the fear of my team dying 1 by 1, not much at least

                      ive never seen this in <5k avg games ever, everyones fucking blind and runs into 4 ppl randomly

                      brainless player

                        dude any tip to this 4.2k mmr pleb?


                          tnx for the insight man :) looking forward to support you in a party game (with my stronk supporting xd)

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                            @arin its still way less then >4.5k and at least they say they r going so u ready ur tp incase u can grab kills

                            Im not saying they dont do that but after playing under 4.5 i feel they do it way less because at under 4.5 ppl go 1v5 np

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                              arin the pessimist. (fuk off it's not being realistic if you only see the bad and ignore the good. if there's no difference change accs)


                                This girl is on F!RE, she's walking on F!RE



                                  Player 404335202

                                    Fire doto ignores me ... Feelsbadman


                                      ^ yo i dont ignore anyone but when im ingame i dont see what people chat me about and when i end my game i find match asap, i rarely look at my chats unless it happens between when i end my game and when im finding one sorry ):

                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                        So 4.7. I conclude from your long ass post that 4.7k follows pro really well and play like them. I believe that they just started playing like pro(lane 3-1-1) so that offlaner in your branket used to 2vs2 lane and they feed at 3vs1lane. Seemslike a good place to be

                                        Meta? what is Meta?
                                        I only jungle with3 hero no metter whay patchs btw HAHAHA
                                        I 4667 mmr and I older then 12 HAHAHA


                                          @F!re , when did people (at what MMR) did they start playing 3-1-1? Any where in 3k or early 4k?


                                            i see 3-1-1 in 1k games. 1-1-2-1 is the best game winning lineup

                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                              Hey F!re
                                              I am 4667 rn my best ever recorded is 469x

                                              I would like to challenge you how many match it take us from 465x to 4700 and 4700-4800 so on.It won't be race since I cutting down Dota time.

                                              It's like a smaller and weaker guy challenge a big fit guy but DO YOU ACCEPT IT?


                                                ^2 morefor 4.8 u better be there


                                                  fire doto teach me invoker master :(


                                                    You are actually so legit sir.

                                                    What is the mindset of a 6k player like you ? So I can learn of it and maybe apply it to my games to be better and increase my mmr.


                                                      @arin its still way less then >4.5k and at least they say they r going so u ready ur tp incase u can grab kills
                                                      Im not saying they dont do that but after playing under 4.5 i feel they do it way less because at under 4.5 ppl go 1v5 np

                                                      lol i've literally never encountered this and im on 4k for more than a year
                                                      wish i had ur luck

                                                      i often find my teammates either dodging fights when we're stronger or the exact opposite, madly running into fights that we have no chance of winning although im pretty sure im doing the same shit from first perspective when i play carries sometimes


                                                        ^WIN WIN WIN WIN I WANNA WIN WIN WIN WIN


                                                          yo arin u seem like the guy who doesnt really chill. do ur own game ppl arent suddenly gonna be better and shit just play a hero that doesnt give a shit if team plays bad or coordinate


                                                            @welcome i cant get lucky all the way lol, maybe its because im usually doing very well in the games and people tend to listen to me more

                                                            @tryharder thanks alot, tbh the mindset difference between me and the others is in my mind every game is winnable and i always play for the win always do my best to win i go support roam sup offlane np i will do my best to win, as u see my last slardar game imo i was the game winning factor even tho i had low dmg and low networth as an offlaner, i just moved around the map so hard that the enemy was so scared to farm there own jungle when imm issing

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                                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                                              8/5/17 Invoker game is the game you hit 4.7K If I not wrong,let's see how many matchs you need to get 4.8K
                                                              I WILL FIGHT YOU!

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                                                              Won't care, Don't care. XD

                                                                lol 5k party won't give you blue star jungle dog


                                                                  I'm still a 3k feggot


                                                                    i have a sick theory! :D can there be more guys like fire, who are trully 6k, but climbing from 3.5 k and are currently at 4k something, because it really became harder to play for me.
                                                                    People counter heroes with there item builds very much, people very much look at the pick before picking, instead of first picking slark etc.
                                                                    (one more thing, this only happens in enemy team, my team is retarded as usual) :D so i now got down from 4.6 to 4.3 :(


                                                                      I think that's a good thing
                                                                      You can learn from them and find out how they outplay and outsmart you

                                                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                        It will be 50-50% chance by science and math you got them. So your mmr fall is your own fault.

                                                                        If it's your bad luck it must has mean you done bad things and Karma hit by spiritual alanalysis it's your own fault also.

                                                                        Rational analysis no offence

                                                                        @The punisher
                                                                        I don't need it to feed my ego I am happy on where I am

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                                                                          okinayo ammin

                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                            idi nahui


                                                                              4.8k achieved, tmrw will be my 5k hopely and the end of the thread i think

                                                                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                So it took you 10 games from the moment you join 4.7K club until you became 4.8K.

                                                                                Challenge accepted.
                                                                                It's time to see a jungler with no versatility get rekt soon.


                                                                                  ^ it took 8 games 6 wins 2 loses, the tb and troll game i was over 4.8

                                                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                    Ya I know,but aren't your 4.7 start at the 8/5/17 Invoker game?

                                                                                    Stone Cold Steve Austin

                                                                                      I might pick up an in-meta carry and spam it to see whether I can join the fight with safe lane spamming on my almost forgotten 3rd acc.

                                                                                      Bobby knuckles

                                                                                        So when are you gonna start free couching?

                                                                                        fear is the mind killer

                                                                                          nice job op you outplayed my bracket xd


                                                                                            Icetea ill check when im online

                                                                                            Player 404335202

                                                                                              End of the thread when u are 5k ?
                                                                                              Dont pleasee :-(

                                                                                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                                OK I hit 4.7K my newest record,now stands at 4701 with 6/1/5 Lycan match,the fight is begin!

                                                                                                Stone Cold Steve Austin

                                                                                                  If only I'd get junglers who know their job in my games instead of braindead LCs, life would be closer to 5k.


                                                                                                    how u have 15 rankeds in row jungle lycan and not get reprorted in 4k games