General Discussion

General Discussion1k mmr after 8000 matches?

1k mmr after 8000 matches? in General Discussion

    I saw 2 players playing in a party who were still 1k mmr after 8000 matches played,

    how is it even possible, I think at that point I just chalk it up to having learning disablities and an IQ under 100 if they are still 1k mmr after even 3000 matches. I don't think anyone over iq 100 could remain under 2k for more then 2000 matches.

    Long hard road out of 2k

      what if they never played party rank or only play unranked?


        Guess they are the definition of n00bs if they reached their skillcap at 1k after palying 8000 games.

        Questo commento è stato modificato

          who cares dude


            Some people dont care about mmr. like me.

            I just play with friends, or all hero challenge in solo queue.
            why would i play with 4 braindead strangers trying to increase a number that doesnt give me anything.

            other then being miserable every 5th match because someone in my team makes me want to punch myelf.

            some people play games for fun, not to get stressed out


              because ranked gaming is extremely competitve and people flame alot. unranked is relaxing for some of us who like to just enjoy the game add new nice people to play with and yes learn the game.
              Plus high mmr players are matched in normal game after sometime i see even 3ks in my games now and thus normal games are btter than ranked. If you lose ranked game it can get stresful rather than being peaceful.

              Ryan Gosling Fan

                Well i have 800 Party mmr After 2000 games on my smurf

                CES (2)

                  even in 4k+ mmr so many account buyers and boosted accounts


                    MMR is just a number!!!!1 thats why i only play pubs!!!1 dota fun i have much free time haha

                    Dire Wolf

                      I'm actually having more fun in lpq than I've had in ranked, probably cus it's single draft so you don't get the same shitty heroes like ember and pudge non stop. And if I lose I don't care as much, it's just one more win I need to get later.

                      Player 404335202

                        If they dont have any problem with their mmr who are u to talk about them ? And talking of iq i guess yours is negative !

                        Ghastly Wail

                          Talking about IQ just because they dont care about MMR.

                          Why you play on a smurf? Is your IQ so low that you cant raise MMR from your Main?

                          You're a douch. One of them could be Stephen Hawking :D


                            if they had a higher IQ their learning speed would be substantially higher than avg, therefor they would unavoidable have atleast 5k mmr skill in 8000 matches and therefor it would be impossible for them to remain at 1k mmr.

                            The only way to be 1k mmr in 8000 matches, is to have lower than avg Iq because the avg player with avg iq hits 3k skill in about 3000 games, therefore to be 1k mmr in 8000 matches is the result of most likely and iq of 85 being that 1k mmr is 30% lower in percentile than 3k and as iq 85 is 30% lower in percentile than iq 100.

                            Player 404335202

                              ^do u really care ? There are exceptions :-P


                                when you realise that dota is a skill-based game, and that humans acquire skills based on habit a lot of the time, you will realise that IQ does not account for everything. pleases top trying to make yourself sound smart when you are not even 4k

                                Ghastly Wail

                                  Funny. So Stephen Hawking would Calibrate 10k mmr instantly?
                                  And since Miracle has highest MMR he has the highest IQ? So he is a Mastermind? A Genius?

                                  So everyone under 5k is just plain stupid?
                                  You are trolling right?

                                  Funfact. Saw also people with 1k mmr with 8000 Games. You know what? Of these 8000 Games where 50 Ranked.

                                  Awesome huh?

                                  Ghastly Wail

                                    Btw. when you play unranked your skilllevel is 'normal'.
                                    You seem pretty stupid being NS with smurf.


                                      ascalon, just reading your response I can actually tell you have a reading comprehension disorder, I said the higher the Iq the faster they learn, not the higher the mmr, even with iq 200 you don't instantly learn the whole game, you just learn it faster, so no hawkings would probably calibrate at 3.5k mmr since that is the cap :)

                                      also miracle learned over like 4000-5000 matches, so no he doesn't have the highest IQ or is a super genius because learned over thousands of matches, but if got 9000 mmr in 300 matches then he would be a massive genius.

                                      and no not everyone under 5k is stupid because someone who played 100 matches will not possible be 5k.

                                      again all of that was complicit in what I said but you obviously have a reading comprehension issue.


                                        i can tell you dont have a very high IQ just from your analysis of how you think IQ is related to learning a game like dota. you dont even know what IQ is used to measure first of all.

                                        Player 404335202

                                          Jacked are u 1k for real or just on this accnt for fun ?


                                            Judging one's intelligence level based on a game is not right, but wasting 8k hours of your life playing a game you r not good at is definitely not smart people would do.

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Wow jesus people think iq has to do with skill cap in dota2. Dude your mmr cap is not unlimited, you can play 10 games and reach your mmr cap and then stay there forever. On top of the fact that mmr is technically zero sum and based on your position relative to other players. So by your shitty ass logiq if everyone keeps playing dota, everyone improves cus just playing more makes you better, and then everyone's collective skill moves up and mmr stays exactly the same.

                                              In reality dota2 is not zero sum cus people enter the game, lose a bunch, quit, make new accounts etc so there's inflation, or by contrast deflation if they lose a lot I guess. And people don't just keep getting better.

                                              But it is true that if collectively everyone gets better, mmr shouldn't move and everyone should level at 50% win rate. I calibrated somewhere around 3300. I'm now back around 3300. But I know a lot more about dota and am a better player than when I calibrated, but the competition is better too so mmr stays the same.

                                              Plus there's a billion non iq things in dota like reaction time and physical dexterity.


                                                @jacked, Intelligence is a persons ability and speed to gather information and create information from their memory. In other words the faster your learn, the more you learn, the more you learn the faster you learn, like a snowball rolling down a hill. This is both a result of effort, and of biological predisposition. As one individuals with ADD or Dyslexia tend have increased capacities for focus and memory and therefor tend to learn faster, and to learn more in the same game time frame because they have developed exceptional visual spatial capacities allowing them to transmit more data from an experience to be recorded into synopsis. Visual Spatial thought prowess is honestly the hinge of higher intelligence as it opens the wave for more data processing in the brain as the visual neural pathways have more "throughput" or "bandwidth" if you will than audio pathways, auditory thinkers are processing thoughts and concepts at speeds far slower than a visual spatial thought. also auditory thinking has a massive cap on the size of a concept that can be created into a single memory of thought, therefor the limit of ones intelligence lies in how large of a visual spatial conceptual thought they can create and store. For example a gifted visual spatial thinker name hawking was able to conceptual into a single visual spatial thought a theory regarding black holes, then develop his theory into a communicable concept that gained notoriety. studies show that individuals around IQ 100 think predominately auditory, while high IQ individuals think predominately visual spatial.

                                                Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                casual gamer

                                                  Plus there's a billion non iq things in dota like reaction time and physical dexterity.


                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                    @Jacked I can tell your retarded, because Idiots always make statements based on how they feel in the moment or their emotions rather than based on information they have gathered,

                                                    In other words Retards and idiots always make statements like "Dude no way, that's not IQ, that just playing a Game" Or "Your stupid if you think that's what IQ is" or " I can tell you don't have an high IQ because you said that"

                                                    While more intelligent individuals tend to act less and less like animals who always blurt out whatever noise occurs to them from their instincts. Intelligent individuals tend to provide a basis of argument and logic as to why they are correct rather than just saying what their opinion is. Also idiots just tend to assume everyone is either as smart as them or less, to every idiot they are the smartest in all circumstances unless proven otherwise by pure achievements as an idiots only ability to interpret another persons intelligence is through comparing achievements. Where as High IQ individuals who continuously recognize patterns in behavior, speech, arguement, thought concepts, communicated and derived thoughts from experience can tell the intelligence of an individual just by talking to them, as I would rate your IQ at about 112-118 from what you have posted in this forum.

                                                    Ofc pretty much everything you have ever said on this forum was a baseless opinion or a brusque imperialistic tirade aimed at the OP of the day never salted with any logical explanation or reasoning. You will follow up this comment with another imperialistic tirade with no logical reasoning to support it guaranteed.

                                                    Player 404335202

                                                      New thread coming .. Predict my iq ?
                                                      Calm down op ! And its ok if they have low iq as u say .. But its no fun in makinh fun of those poor ppl then ! Right ?


                                                        Lul thats why im saying 3k and 4k worst brackets full of retards who smurfed there or bought acc, this guy come out with his idea on smurf with 3.5k mmr calling 1k stupid? Im happy about forum reaction on this guy. For example i did on this acc over 1k unranked games with one same friend, we loved to play that and hell never even think about recommend you to keep smurfing till you get mmr what you want but you stay dogshit forever


                                                          You guys care way too much about MMR and IQ.


                                                            funny people talk about iq while they dont know the difference between you're and your.

                                                            Cripple Ninja

                                                              so if someone have 200iq does he can carry alone pignoy retard feeder etc ?. i dont think so... my friend have 160+ iq and he think dota is boring game. mmr just your luck number. and i think they play just for fun.

                                                              Some people dont care about mmr. like me.

                                                              I just play with friends, or all hero challenge in solo queue.
                                                              why would i play with 4 braindead strangers trying to increase a number that doesnt give me anything.

                                                              other then being miserable every 5th match because someone in my team makes me want to punch myelf.

                                                              some people play games for fun, not to get stressed out

                                                              ^nc quote

                                                              Cripple Ninja

                                                                IF OP THINK HE IS SMART STOP PLAYING DOTA 2 AND GET A LIFE

                                                                Small Song

                                                                  Fellas, Ladies,

                                                                  How about EQ? Do you support the ones you love? Are you able to understand others and see the map from their perspective? If one has a high mmr and IQ, but does not love, what value is that? If one loves, one will ward and buy dust. If one loves, one click-wheels "Don't give up!" and will change team morale and perhaps even morals. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                    Well its not like I don't understand the point of the OP tho I mean 8000 matches man, but well they are free to do whatever they want with their lives.

                                                                    I don't think that I.Q has anything to do with this game although I do believe that people that have really below average in I.Q won't be able to play this game to its fullest.


                                                                      If a person after 8000 matches is still 1k, either that they never learned anything on to how to win a game and play for fun (which is fine)
                                                                      or their stupid as fuck. Simple as that


                                                                        maybe they stopped playing ranked after they calibrated


                                                                          I have friends who have high IQ and are super trash on dota because they play for giggles and memes with their friends
                                                                          What's your point


                                                                            How to report this thread? Its kinda offensive to tell someone IQ just because the way they play dota......


                                                                              Can everyone chill out. Why so many people get offended.
                                                                              Ppl who comment in this thread actually not better than op
                                                                              47% wr in normal skill is suck you know


                                                                                is suck


                                                                                ~Vince ^

                                                                                  Sometimes I wonder why I waste time reading threads just like this and judging every persons intelligence level after they make stupid connections or assumptions and try to convince someone with this bullshit :D


                                                                                    I usually ignore people with this kind of attitude in the community (or anywhere really) and just throw in some casual logical thoughts, it just feels like a waste of energy brainstorming to counterargument people who are so selfcentered and close minded


                                                                                      Who cares if their mmr is 1k after 8000 games. If they're fine with it , so should you. Also by the way you're putting things across i think your IQ might be negative.


                                                                                        wtf is this obsession with iq
                                                                                        you've got issues if you can only judge people with numbers


                                                                                          I tryhard for 10day and got out of 1k so whats your point here? They are lazy to tryhard. Is their unrank ns?