General Discussion

General Discussionunfriended because of battlecup loss

unfriended because of battlecup loss in General Discussion

    we created a team for battle cup and after losing on the first game, that friend unfriended me. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA




        liking my profile pic sir? haahha


          had a same case last year where my tier 2 cucks drafted a voker safelane + last pick bloodseeker l m a o

          after the draft i knew we werent gonna be friends after tht game LOLOLOL


            i apologize after that game even though that wasn't really my fault (or should I say, that wasn't really "just" my fault", then he replied with an "np" and unfriended me LOLOLOLOLOLO

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              That's pretty okay

              The DarKNovA

                Well, he doesn't seem to be upset with you, just realized he doesn't wanna be friends with you either because of your performance, or just in general..
                And there's nothing wrong with that, why be friends with people who you just don't like or care about.


                  well you have a point haha


                    nice post



                      what mmr you have to have with tier 2? WTF


                        +5k: 7
                        4-5k: 6
                        3-4k: 5
                        2-3k: 4
                        1-2k: 3
                        0-1k: 2



                          I played with a battle cup champ before
                          Toxic dimwit who first picked mid pudge and doesn't even land easy hooks

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            Link account for laughs, ty

                            1-IceTea 🌟

                              It's MEEEEEEEEEE~
                              Actually you are quite alright, and a support player - That's good.
                              But 1-9 is bad,and obviously you are not good at single support (I need that because I only jungle xD)
                              You spend too much time walking around doing nothing and not buy enough S3 when we desperately need it to turn the tide even I called so many time.

                              Back to the point you are quite okie player,nothing hate going there,just my friends list is too much and I like shorter friends list.I play with everyone in my list, if our style not match we can still be friend in Dotabuff :smile:

                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                hahahahaha sorry bout earlier man, i was just so focused on creating space for the carry. and damn that sf. but its okay.


                                  Hey @1-ice tea
                                  How are you going to play dota when you aren't playing against shitters lol
                                  Evebtually you can't be an afk jungled every game

                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                    imo below 6K are still shitters.No offence but part of the reason that I not lane is I would like to see only jungle (worst place spam/hardest place grind) can carry me how far,tbh if anyone below me is either troll or just really not good enough.

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