General Discussion

General DiscussionDEALING SF IN MID (2K MMR SEA)

DEALING SF IN MID (2K MMR SEA) in General Discussion

    Any tips on how to deal this range creep hero?


      ^deal with one? As in how to play against one? Wtf r u asking?


        Pressure him at lv 1 get attack damage item to out cs him


          I would ask support rotations, but its 2k sea, so just pick ta or any hero that can get up close to sf
          Also keep the pressure up, sf is so weak lvl 1-2. Bully him out of the lane


            You cant


              In PA who always spam dagg is it any good?


                @Daddy what i meant was how do you deal with him in lane.Just wanted to know your insights about it.


                  He is extremely weak lvl 1, any mid hero with any ability/dmg lvl 1 can fuck him up. Ursa, ta, invoker with exort, viper, razor, pa.


                    You outCS him or destroy him when he still doesn't have any souls
                    In the midgame you shit on him with physical damage to make his BKB inefficient, preferably with minus armor strat

                    Ave with an internet pfp

                      Tinker .-.


                        If sf can't get enough souls.His razes will be the next problem.


                          Well in my recent 2k matches.Playing SF in mid can shit any hero.PA with low health can easily get killed with lvl.3 razes unless if he has a raindrop in which they don't do always buy.


                            Most SF in 2k are bad anyway
                            If you somehow are playing against one on mid you can just do everything people suggested here

                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                              ahahaha Lina rekts SF
                              Get souls more damage?
                              No problem man out lasthit my fire damage


                                Pick brood mid ez lane


                                  Yeah 2k sf 20 mins still no sb or any decent items.Only boots and aquila souls:18.

                                  @Cheap Laugh Guy
                                  Well I havent deal Lina in mid yet but i'm pretty sure dodging is the answer to that.He probably wont spam skills unless if i'm facing the creeps.


                                    @fx idk picking brood then buys sentry in lane razes those spiderlings=ez souls


                                      "If sf can't get enough souls.His razes will be the next problem."

                                      Buy infused raindrop, casual magic cloak, support rotations... kill the demon.

                                      Questo commento è stato modificato
                                      Fee Too Pee

                                        sniper and tinker raped sf just sayin


                                          Tinker forces SF to get eul which isn't that good on pubs with uncoordinated team


                                            Sf is one of the hardest heroes to deal with in mid u need to hurt his farm at early levels and support rotations , ward his jungle taking mid tower early hurts him a midlaner with wave clear is good since he will push with razes keep up with his farm try take his runes so he cant spam razes and when he gets shadowblade make sure u got sentries when pushing because dust will do u nothing when he ultis under u

                                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                                              Why euls if you can manta


                                                Eul to remove tinky winky before he can do anything to rape him in teamfight
                                                Manta only helps if you can catch him and BEFORE HE GETS AGHANIM


                                                  Eul costs like 3k gold and helps you to kill tinker instantly when you catch him
                                                  Manta costs 5k gold and helps you to purge the laser miss or dodge his projectile once, gives some higher dps, and is kinda effective until he gets aghanim and blinds all your illusions and your hero, doesn't really help you catching him out
                                                  I'll take the eul

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    euls is a tinker solution

                                                    id get blink too but im not an sf player


                                                      I used to build blink and euls.That if the enemy team got no lockdowns.

                                                      Blink>euls tinker>cast ulti>es comes and stun>DEAD SF

                                                      casual gamer

                                                        theres a bkb in there somewhere


                                                          ^if you keep find a scenario and find the absolutely perfect solution,there is none

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                                                              Yes bkb is the answer.But what I don't have one.Oh I just found out that if you bought a BKB from early game and constantly used until its only 5 secs immunity.It won't reser to 13 secs if you sell it and then buy it again.

                                                              (JUST 2K THINGS)

                                                              all role player

                                                                Haha u want to Know Sf weakness And How to deal with it !

                                                                Sorry mate I Know very well to dumbstered every 2k Sf but om not gonna tell u !

                                                                Sf is cancer if u dont Know How to deal with him



                                                                  You'd think you can make this player dumbstered??

                                                                  Farm then Carry

                                                                    SF can outplay heroes with his razes. I suggest sniper and max out his range to deal with harass. Shrapnel is pretty good because you can put him out of position which would grant you a kill. You can ask a support to block the nearby camps with wards.

                                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                      If you are up to half good brood you will die 3 or more times before you have lv 3 razes

                                                                      i commend

                                                                        PA against SF in mid? LOL. Magic Wand will wreck PA. SF's power spike starts at lvl 3. he can raze and zone out PA at level 3. EZ farm for SF.

                                                                        SF is so weak against solid mid heroes early but he makes up with his insane damage output and flash farming ability up until mid game. Tinker, Invo, TA and heck even Viper wrecks him for the first 10 mins


                                                                          why "even Viper"? I thought the hero was a lane dominator.


                                                                            i suppose you just pick him first


                                                                              Yeh~ Sf vs Viper surely SF will have a hard time in lane.

                                                                              Player 404335202

                                                                                Get oracle mid and use 2nd on him and 3rd on urself .. Get infused raindrop .. This is the only way
                                                                                Or get invoker mid .. Stay there for 2 min and leave lanw go jungle.. This cud work but enable auro deny option in settings so ur creeps can dently themselves when they have low hp


                                                                                  Sf may have a power spike at 3, pa has one at 2, and can easily zone him out.


                                                                                    He is extremely weak lvl 1, any mid hero with any ability/dmg lvl 1 can fuck him up. Ursa, ta, invoker with exort, viper, razor, pa


                                                                                    disgusting weebs

                                                                                      oh shit running on ur hg lv1 under 4 creeps to FUCK U UP SON


                                                                                        ^im pretty sure pms is an item
                                                                                        Obv if sf gets a good block this becomes harder but u can also get a good block
                                                                                        Trading with someone with 38 dmg and creeps as ursa with pms still seems good but maybe im wrong.

                                                                                        yung griphook

                                                                                          if youre mid i think you just pick a ta and youre fine

                                                                                          Play for Fun



                                                                                              fail mid detected


                                                                                                haha me never use ulti on sf coz I don't know I replace SB with deso


                                                                                                  my god these creative shitposters

                                                                                                  Good Luck

                                                                                                    nobody 1 by 1 in mid at high level dude, if 1 by 1 sure it hink sf can zone out most of any hero :)

                                                                                                    Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                                      You literally just have to make sure he gets no last hits lmao

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                                                                                                      Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                                        And a good broodmother will shit on an sf from level 2 onwards. You have no idea how strong this hero is.