General Discussion

General DiscussionAbbadon offlane advice

Abbadon offlane advice in General Discussion

    So recently I started playing abbadon, when I played normal games with this hero i seemed to be having an easy time against my enemies as they would always underestimate my damage output and my tankability cause of the aphotic shield, so then I decided to play ranked games with the hero and see how things are.
    So basically I myself had an ok time playing ranked, laning wouldnt wasnt a problem cause everyone would want to mid or carry so I would get the offlane easily. The problem I have is that the games drag out too much while playing this, I go for phase vlad blademail radiance and then whatever situational item depending on the game.
    So basically what I would like to know is that when do you think this hero has a good powerspike to really harrass my enemies?
    What is the optimal time for me to get vlad and blademail etc if im solo offlaning?
    How should I play this hero in a sense that should i solo push lanes with him or maybe ask all of my team to stick and push (which is not that common at my 2.8k mmr bracket) since I can tank a solid bit.
    Any other advice regarding this hero would be appreciated.

    Sorry for the wall of text :#


      Phase > vlad > bm > solar crest whenever i play him as a carry
      Tranquil > soul ring > mek > lotus whenever i play him as a supp
      I've seen high mmr players buying midas and rushing radiance > aghanim.
      Been climbing from 3k to 3.5k spamming him.


        I feel that my radiance will be delayed too much if I buy the solar Crest first.
        Midas abaddon wouldn't be bad if you can get it quick that is but then do you skip vlad and bm?


          ^radiance isnt necessary every game, solar crest is better especially when u have a glass cannon carry who u need to protect.
          Abaddon can make a lot of different items and one of the hardest things abt him is knowing when to build what.


            I just feel like radiance has so much value especially at my mmr bracket where the other team won't get mkbs.
            Maybe in some games skip blademail and go sny?

            Use chatwhell=mute

              Keep spamming hes now highest winrate hero in 5k+ bracket


                Abba is a good offlane hero u can buy phase vlads if you have a solid mek carrier if not do the honours of buying all the utility items needed.
                POWERSPIKE. Level 6 to 7 you can dive well with phaseboots w/ the 0-4-2-1 build the first step is to crush the lane push their tier 1.
                VLADS/ MEK powerspike - you are a one hell of a tank/healer now. Your job is to prioritize aphotic on your teammates that are getting focused by the enemy, if they get stunned/disabled go aphotic then death coil. ( after level 7 u should be maxing death coil).

                If you deal more damage to heroes than your carry you should try to frontline and deal some damage to the enemy but if your carry does more damage to hereos focus on healing him and tank to create space for him.

                usually after mek/vlads and AC/SNY u shouldve atleast pushed all the outer towers and the game should be easy.


                  Go with your team to push after minute 10-12 depends on how laning phase is going


                    remember to stick and push at early minutes then heal teammates who are dying


                      Dont go too carry
                      Imo if u ever feel like sny buy echo lol
                      But more than anything aba carries auras and stops his team fro dying in fights and helps them push. So items like vlads to complement the pushing and greaves/pipe/aghs to complement teamfighting is better. He usually needs smth for dmg later on like bloodthorn or ac or even mjollnir maybe, but early to mid prioritize auras. Even late game shivas and ac are gr8 auras tbh.


                        radiance manta octarine

                        1-IceTea 🌟

                          SC and AGH is so good
                          on him build them

                          The Medic Guy

                            SC is build for utility tank abaddon,

                            my fav utility build :

                            core build :

                            1-IceTea 🌟

                              Good build these item spike will keep you strong from early until end game.

                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                i usually do 0-4-4 build phase/pms > vlads > solar crest > ur team gets rosh ez > snowball into radiance/whatever

                                just hit people and make space for your team when they eventually drop 3-4 heroes to try to kill u

                                guardian is good but i dont usually get unless someone ask or unless it seems better than the normal thing i do



                                  Abbadon can be a good hero in certain terms. The only problem I feel he has as an offlaner, is his lockdown potentials. Make sure your teammates have stun spells before you pick Abbadon, otherwise killing an AM or Juggernaut becomes harder.

                                  When to pick it? Well, in your case, you want to spam, but in general, Abbadon is picked to debuff some spells by his aphotic shield. he is good against batrider of example.

                                  What to build? Depends on your team and enemy team. If you have an SF midlaner (and you probably almost always have a DPS carry), you don't need to build damage items. If enemy has armor reduction lineup (weaver, venjful, sf), you go for Solar Crest and AC. If enemy has lots of magic (zeus, venomancer, invoker), you should get pipe. Guardian Greaves is good if you have no source of heal (jugger ward, urn)

                                  Président® Salted Butter

                                    You either go phaseboots or tranquils (arcanes are gine if you plan to build greaves later), get vlads asap, it has every single thing you and your team needs, and you are going to need it because you plan to win teamfights once you have it, and take objectives asap. Drums are also kind of ok, helm of the dominator also works, from then on everything is optional. Btw, Solar Crest/Echo Sabre/Bloodthorn is actually legit on a right click Abaddon


                                      vlads dag