General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it a right thing for carry to buy 10+ wards?

Is it a right thing for carry to buy 10+ wards? in General Discussion

    I developed this habit of buying so many ward while practicing to play carry even if I have a ward-bitch support in my team or not regardless and I want to hear an opinion from you guys if it's a healthy habit for carry to do?


      Yes.Because you are helping your support.

      Story Time

        i think OP came here to complain...


          not if u got a sup warding for u. u could just ping the place u want him to ward. if he doesnt do what u say then yea get it


            @Oh no, he: Which part of the thread make you think like that?

            @Sia: I don't know if it's a bad idea to sacrifice 165-300 golds to cut down your support's costing while you are 1000 golds away from getting a certain item?

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              I have this support habit smurfing to learn carry too xD I even jungle and try not to contest lane
              But seriously warding is very unhealthy for a carry unless it's a passive warding to lane safe
              The inefficient part isnt about the gold, it's when you waste time walking around to place the ward
              So if you have a support dont be soft hearted and 'help' supporting, it will lose you the game. Be the carry your support expect to be and control the game as soon as you power spike


                As a carry you need to farm. I guess it's ok as long as you do it to protect yourself from gank so that you can farm/towerpush safely.

                But you shouldn't buy wards just because your team need wards, I means you need to make sure it will help you carrying the game latter (or you have 5 carry in your team and someone need to sacrifice itself)

                I think it's also a good thing to buy wards if your support is close to have a game changing item. He will probably not tell you and keep playing the ward b*tch, delaying is blink for ten minutes while he just need to farm for 1min to have it.


                  It's a bad habit. Just report if there is no wards


                    if you have a player that actually support and care about ward you shall NEVER EVER buy wards unless you already six slotted because if you get your items later than your opponent carry you are throwing all the effort that person did to help you by warding

                    if you have a whining kid who act like he is support while doing absolute nothing then you buy and place as many wards as you need to farm safely and solo carry

                    also jdf8

                      i buy 1 obs as mid a lot

                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        since i've made a habit of always buying myself a ward mid if there isn't one placed the quality of my games improved drastically
                        backpack made it super easy to have vision in a specific place if u rly need to(shrines when pushing t2, sents before towers vs riki/sb heroes) so theres rly no excuse to not do that if u want to win


                          if ur naga alche or invoker with 7k gold in stash yea is ok

                          Player 404335202

                            Dafaq ? Wards om carry ? Are u idiot ?

                            Savvy Cat

                              If they see proper use. Spotting an incoming gank while your farming the jungle alone for instance. Spend 65 gold to avert a death.


                                if you got an incompetent sup, then yes, 65 gold alone is almost nothing, but 165 is something if you know what i mean... laning with invis i would rather go dust than blue, but that will only valid after i got my first big item n at least brown boots... (yea, for blue, sometime you need to beg your sup to do it for you)

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                                Erase Humanity

                                  Wards are one of the best investment in dota. Sometimes a ward determine who wins the team fight.

                                  Erase Humanity

                                    In higher brackets usually supports buy those stuff unless support is poor or carry 6-7 slotted. In lower brackets it's good to buy wards as any role because either support don't buy wards/enough Wards or have no idea where to place them.

                                    Sugar Show

                                      I have 50% Support ~ 50% carry since started to buy wards instead wait brainless team do it.

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                                        Happened to all my three games.

                                        1st Game: First picked TA, because I want to start my game with a win since Im proficient playing her. No one bought courier. I bought my wards at mid. I upgraded the courier. Luckily, Clinkz fed/throwed and I took advantage of it. I don't know why but I bought all the wards I can buy. Easy win.

                                        2nd Game: Somewhat counterpicked OD by picking Sniper. I already placed my icon mid yet puck picked for safelane so I suggested we swap lane. Treant hovered his icon at jungle saying he won't support but rather carry. He pulls, but mostly goes in lane to fight last hits with me, i didn't bother because I did not want to tilt. The moment I saw LC had his SB. I started buying obs and sentries because no one would want to. Clashes were going our way maybe because of the visions I gave? A game won.

                                        3rd Game: Treant was on my team again. As usual, he goes jungle. Riki was warding the first 15 - 20 minutes. I bought the wards thereafter. We lost. I thought if I shoulve had harassed Dusa in lane harder we could have win, or also if I focused too much on countering her, or if even my itemization was right. Can someone analyze my last game.

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                                          it's fine to buy a few wards if you know it'll pay off aka you'll be able to farm more safely and avoid deaths, i'd definitely not buy 10+ though

                                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                                            thats a lot of gold. max 5


                                              ye it's fine


                                                @Jacked Maybe 5 is not enough when I have that !@#$ing LC roaming around with shadow blade threatening to duel me, getting ez damage, then get away with it scot-free because you know, nobody will TP to rotate to help me.

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                                                  its better then dying because of no vision


                                                    Well one solution is u don't farm where u think lc is. I mean I would keep a sentry in my slot and use it when necessary like team fights if no one buys and they have an invis initiator.


                                                      Don't listen to cucky. He means it's fine if you are smurfing and way better than your bracket.


                                                        65 gold to secure your jungle for farming. Seems legit to me.

                                                        Of course supports should buy most of them, but if you have a game with a greedy jungler why not buy the odd ward to help out the pos 7000 support player whos sitting on brown boots and wand at min 30.

                                                        Also this thread seems like a " look at me, im a carry buying wards cause my teammates are noobs so if I lose its clearly not my fault, my team is holding me back from reaching X MMR."

                                                        it could be genuine thou.


                                                          plays support

                                                          kill steals

                                                          places ward in wrong areas which the enemies are not pushing or going there.

                                                          feeding chased slark ended up dying and slark has full health and mana.


                                                            if your a hard carry with no tier support (templar assassin, antimage, riki, sven *who removed his tier 1 support?*, Phantom Assassin, outworld devourer, etc. etc. your not allowed to buy wards and your considered as a different player seperating from good players (silly build carry that is full support) and get +24 or something like that than +25