General Discussion

General DiscussionAdressed to players that are below avg in their current match.

Adressed to players that are below avg in their current match. in General Discussion
forget dreams

    Where do you scrawny fucks get the audacity to act like ur the king of the world and proceed to insult players 700 points higher than you? Its so mindblowing when you are 5.1k and some slav god that is 4.4k starts to give you life lessons while running down mid as a pos 4 slardar and getting triple razed by enemy sf. Like, if one gets into a scenario where he's the lowest one in your team, one would just try to learn and try their best, right? Not 4k players apparently. The most discouraging thing you can encounter in dota is this right here. Thought getting out of 4k would distance me from this pit of arrogance, but what does it matter when you get 4k avg anyway.

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      i get it from my heart

      Negative Mental Attitude

        HOw are u taLking about 5ks and 4ks when ur 3k??? is this even real life

        1-IceTea 🌟

          I don't get you, but I want to say I rekt a 6.5K player badly and end the match before 30mit hahaha

          The Robot Devil



              idk what u talk but i played with empire.scandal in low priority he had 25 0 in 20 min

              forget dreams


                mmr trackings been broken for a few years. check players' in my matches mmr. actually what do I care, you're too stupid to realise such things, obviously.

                Questo commento è stato modificato
                Negative Mental Attitude

                  lol? you're the only player ive seen where the tracker was that fucked up if it works for everyone else why would i assume its broken for you

                  IS THIS EVEN REAL LIFE???????????

                  forget dreams


                    yet u refuse to check other players mmr, how fucking ignorant are u. add me ill show u, u mongol.

                    Negative Mental Attitude

                      i literally just did
                      im saying until you told me it was broken there was no reason for me to assume it was and check other players mmr


                        4k syndrome. it's when you've already spent so much time in dota and you're already so fukn good at the game u cant imagine anyone else being that much better at you at the game


                          Lol, your account is fucked up. I think you could actually report this, something's clearly not going well with your mmr tracking.


                            Unwind and breathe fresh air outside. City life is tough and it makes you tilted.


                              I don't really understand why you are complaining. Dota 2 community has ALWAYS been cancer, fucking 8k pros rage at their team, you don't get to a certain MMR and then lose the cancer. If you don't like this, quit the game.

                              Also OP are you sure you aren't just tilted because you are on a 9 game losing streak?

                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                Well I mean its still frustrating when someone well below the highest mmr acts high and mighty.



                                  casual gamer

                                    had subhie spent 10 minutes telling some offlane centaur how hes 1000x better at dota and should be obeyed without question because he has 1000 more mmr vnergiohfewiue

                                    of course the offlane player performed poorly after thjat why do people have to do this

                                    Ave with an internet pfp

                                      *eating cookie*