General Discussion

General DiscussionViper Safelane carry

Viper Safelane carry in General Discussion

    Any SAFELANE CARRY tips on his item build, skill build, ability interactions with items? etc

    Will pick him if:
    - No reliable supports that can zone out Enemy offlane
    - Jungler ally

    My current hero stack:
    - Spectre
    - Luna
    - Keeper of the Light

    I got couple of games and here are my thoughts:
    - Aquila (for spamming poison attack)
    - Midas (Optional - good when against a heavy farming enemy carry i.e. Jugg, Anti-Mage, etc)
    - Phase Boots (gives ample mobility and chase potential - very strong mid game team fight, high kill potential)
    - Dragon Lance (attack range and durability)
    - No Magic Wand (never felt the need for this)
    - Yasha (mobilty + attack speed)
    - Mjolnir + Talents: +14 Agi +75 attack range (INSANE attack speed)

    Anybody knows how to compute for attack speed when considering Hero agility levels and how is it compared to others? (i.e. Troll ult, Ursa, etc)


      My build is aquila treads and sb. Start solo killing everyone


        Get a midas.


          @fx party mode - what is your play style with Shadow Blade?

          solo pick offs?
          Is it good during team clash?
          How usable is it at late game? Isn't it situational - good when against carries with good passive skills?
          I know it can also be an escape mechanism but I feel that it's a very selfish item which adds little to team clashes.

          It's basically a 3rd item choice dilemma between Dragon Lance and Shadow Blade...


            Here Is what i have done.
            When i get sb i stary to go to their jungle solo pickoff 1by 1 and you end the game at 20min. I only play him at lp though


              lol. LP is not a good gauge of ranked games -_-


                i just have to say that you shall not pick midas vs heavy farming core since they are going to outfarm you anyway and it is better to close the game asap by buying core items

                i think viper works the best in mid since he don't scale that well comparing to classic carries


                  ^ This should be the norm. But here's my perception on this.. I'm only in 4k mmr tier and players in this bracket make a lot of mistakes. Perfect early and mid game isn't an automatic win.. 1 wrong high ground push and everything becomes even. I'm viewing midas as an insurance item for those kind of situations. But this is just based on feel and intuition.

                  Can anybody have some nice calculations on when midas is good and bad?

                  I remember there was a standard belief that it is only good if you buy it before 7 or 9 mins?

                  Watching DAC games for past couple of days also seem to bring back midas gaming.

                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    Viper is toooooooooooooooooooo strong early game as a carry so you can get Midas early without worrying being weaker than the opponent carry. He's like CK, no flash farming abilities, gold source mostly comes from towers and kills, so Midas.
                    However against AM I might just skip that thing :/ Viper isn't good btw

                    Dire Wolf

                      Viper is flexible, everything is good on him, nothing is amazing. Just make sure to stay away from mek and aghs imo, those items are pretty trash now especially for safe lane viper.

                      You can kind of build what you want, I do like move speed with manta or s&y. You might think s&y on ranged is stupid but maim plus poisons is a ton of slow. Silver edge is good if you need to counter enemy team. Deso + ac can be a really good -armor strat especially since nethertoxin is physical and affects buildings. You will melt buildings with that build. For tanking dmg skadi or heart is fine. Pike is really strong on viper since you can push enemies away and let your poisons do work while they can barely move from slows. I don't really understand mjollnir on him but whatever floats your boat I guess.

                      Without knowing each draft I'd say a standard of treads/phase, aquila, dragon lance, manta/s&y, pike upgrade, butterfly, skadi, mkb/daedulus is a very safe build.


                        I will in most cases go for treads> aquila> dlance> maelstrom Then what ever the game calls for. midas seems a little lackluster on him because he does start to fall off though not as much as most people think in my opinion. Mjolner is nice for the extra attack speed and the increased farming speed and helps vipers biggest problem which is having no aoe.


                        I also seem to like satanic alot. It's a nice hybrid damage survivability item.

                        Optimus Drip

                          dragon lance ,shadow blade ,treads and ,aquila asap

                          Dire Wolf

                            You guys were right mjollnir is legit as fuck. I kept up in farm as an offlane viper with a safelane jug. Amazing wave clear and the speed kills people.


                              Viper is one of the strongest laners if not THE strongest in the game but falls of a bit in late but can still deal a lot of dmg
                              In most cases there's gonna be carry on the enemy team that scales better. So if you really want to play carry viper, you need rather early push line-up
                              If enemy team has really powerful hg you could get midas early and scale well enough to break it eventually anyway

                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                What I've been doing lately in the shit tier games I play with Viper... Basilus, Treads, Aquila, Dragon Lance, Morbid Mask and Diffusal Blade...

                                Poison attack, life steal and Diffusal Blade all stack. Throw nethertoxin on top of that and the damage is real... You can slow the opponents with diff (although there are not that many occations when you have to). There is basically nothing that can stand 1-on-1 with Viper with these items... He is quite OP when you get to this point.

                                I don't really do Shadow Blade since that is the go to item for all the shit tier players I play with and we don't need 5 invis heroes... Once enemy has sentries, dust, gem, there is not a lot that the Shadow Blade does for you. SB is good though, if you don't already have 3 invis heroes on your team.

                                Mjollnir, Silver Edge and MKB are all items that are required from time to time... Depends on what you are facing. Blade Mail is also quite nice if they have squishy nukers.


                                  BKB is decent and in some matches a must-have

                                  increases survivability, ensures that you can keep autoatacking and stack those poisons