General Discussion

General Discussiona bit about analysing ...

a bit about analysing ... in General Discussion

    Aight guys i wanna talk a bit about MY OPINION about importance of analysing.

    Analysing 's purpose shouldnt be just to know the mistake. It's more of an example of a situation and how u reacted and how u shouldve reacted (gotta focus on 2nd one btw). It doesnt just give u more info about that situation. It also improves ur decision making. Kinda like math questions. Theyre not there to be solved for the sake of being solved. All we do in math after a session of learning the theoretical stuff is practicing them in different shapes and styles just to grow our mind in that matter. Like after uve solved enough integral questions, you can find out the answer to complete new questions too right? Analysing does the exact same thing.

    Now i would say if u wanna step up ur game do it like this :
    1. Ask better players about theoretical stuff, what do they think u ould improve? Make a list and find out the info om gamepedia or utube channels like purge or etc. This part is like teacher teaching you math in tge first session and the concepts of that lesson.
    2. Watch pro replays. It's like looking at solved examples on math and learning the moves to solve em. Take notes if u want.
    3. Play some games after watching pro replays keeping in mind how they played X hero and trying to do the same thing with the hero. Doesnt matter if u cant do everything just TRY doing as much. It's like solving ur first questions
    4. Watch your replays, find out your mistake and what youve done differently. Ask how u couldve done something else then to have made a different result? Write these down.
    5.again start playing but this time fix your issues for last times.
    Continue 4 and 5 till those problems are done.
    Then proceed from 1 again for next subject/hero.

    Last parts are like you solving the question but your answer is wrong and u wanna figure out why without having a teacher (unless u got a bsj xd). Also all above is like trying to write down a programming code/script

    mr. rabbit

      never thought fucking someone in the butthole was this complicated


        Wut o_O

        doc joferlyn simp

          go study koala bro lmao


            just mimic, or find patterns if you're analysing pro games

            Questo commento è stato modificato

              another tip is when you're watching your own games, don't just look for your mistakes, because that's easy to spot(a mistake is whenever you lose control over the game/enemy(ex harassed for no reason, ganked, killed, lost towers, lost fight)) but look at what you could have done differently in OTHER situations to increase your win chance.

              if you find yourself not doing anything or doing something that doesn't necessarily lose you control, ask yourself what could i be doing better here?

              Questo commento è stato modificato

                Thats new to me actually if i gt it right! Can u give an example?


                  i'll record you a short video after game


                    K tnx :)

                    mr. rabbit

                      prepare for long ass paragraph not gonna make a tldr btw xD

                      ok so currently im trying to analyze high mmr vs low mmr games so that i can identify what exactly "bracket differences" are

                      theoretically, if i manage to find out what exactly is it that gives high mmr players an edge over low mmr players, i can just mimic that and win at almost the same way these high mmr players do.

                      tho realistically, high mmr players are better than low mmr players at everything they do (duh thx captain obvious) so instead i switched to rooting out what skill is the most dominant in this mmr difference matchup

                      so far what ive found out is that mechanical skill is the most dominant; a player with near-perfect mechanical skill would completely dumpster on low mmr players

                      i mean yes, you could factor in decision making in here too, but more often than not theory doesnt work for low mmr players. example, in theory (or a proven fact by now actually), an alchemist would shit on everyone before it's even 30 mins into the game. but give that hero to a normie 2k mmr player in a 2k mmr match and shit would just happen. but give that alchemist to a high mmr player on a 2k match, and he'd make that theory happen and win almost all of his games in the exact same way without regard to his counters. this again is another point as to why mechanical skill is the dominant skill in the trench; no matter how hard you grt countered, more often than not, your counters will be a non factor because a) your opponents cant play them for shit b) youre much better at handling your hero than them

                      really though, low mmr games feel like its a game of dota where your strategy is the only one that matters. i think ive also figured out how most of us low mmr players play. most of the time we are very passive about what opponents do... until we're already losing, in which case the enemy has already gotten away with their greedy plays and instead of looking for ways to win we just try to prevent our loss in short playing way too reactively (this is why u can easily get 6 slotted + end game 30 mins on a ricing carry) this is the last point im going to make about why mechanical skill is the most important skill in low mmr. your opponents, most of the time, will act in the same behavior i stated above in almost every single game. i think its easily abusable provided youre way better than them at what you do.

                      i lied, tldr mechanical skill wins low mmr games

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        i lied, tldr mechanical skill wins low mmr games

                        can confirm, base mentality in lower brackets farm --> fat --> win. i can say that because i can win without thinking just last hit creeps and kill people take towers all game


                          Let me tell u something tho; learning the mechanical skills is way way easier than learning decision making. None is dominant than the other imo but they combined define your level of skills.

                          The thing is tho, until ~4k majority of ppl dont completely have the knowledge of the game itself, meta, and mechanics. After 4k the number of ppl knowing all of that starts increasing and there comes the other difference. The mindset and decision making. Mental dota starts from 4k+ where your team knows what items counter what hero, what changed in last patch, and etc. Now their problem becomes: my teammate is useless af (mentality issue- 1/5 matches this happens is REALLY unwinnable others are winnable but gotta be BETTER than this to win it), or oh i didnt build x item then first what was i thinking and etc.
                          Now in 4k+ analysing even matters more.

                          It's like mechanical skills are the reqirement to reach to around 3 to 4k but after that u gotta step up ur decision making as i explained how above

                          mr. rabbit

                            thats why i dropped 200 mmr. i was thinking way too ahead in the future that i forgot i was still 3600.xd my mechanical skill is and has always been the worst out of all things i do. theres no point in trying to pretend that every game of mine is different if i already know the bracket's weakness. all thats left is to use that knowledge to my advantage. honestly ive never done lobby practices until recently when i figured this out xd

                            mr. rabbit

                              and know what i was right

                              ive been in lobby practice almost this whole day and i never cleared 82 lane cs even once

                              mr. rabbit

                                cuki post vid here first ples


                                  Ye understanding what U lack is really important and most ppl are ignorant of it since most ppl have the habit of blaming others and moving on to next

                                  mr. rabbit

                                    man 4k already sounds like a huge clusterfuck of mental breakdowns i dont want at the same time i want it


                                      Its not different than ur bracket the thing is in urs mechanical skills dont let mental stuff show themselves but when youre dond with those, u realise what was happening before but this time it's the only problem => it's more disgusting


                                        What exactly devines mechanical skill? Is it just last hitting? or is positioning and farm patterns and such also a part of that?


                                          Ye all of that is mechanical skill and knowing everything there is on gamepedia, executing combos, micro itself not the patterns ad stuff, and etc are mechanical skills

                                          altho positioning and farm pattern and a number of other stuff are in the middle (mechanical and mental). They have infinite situations and ways to execute.


                                            yo cookie dont forget the example vid


                                              fuck, i forgot it, just msg me and i'll explain it to you personally ingame.

                                              mechanical skill fits everything you can define into ''how/why/where you press your buttons"

                                              aka lasthitting, aggroing, pulling, stacking, farming, harassing etc.

                                              Questo commento è stato modificato
                                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                                I never macro

                                                Almost don't watch own replay (exp that game that Lanto made for me <3)

                                                Can't do combo because I like solo
                                                Can't harass
                                                Can't zone
                                                I suck at machanic skill someone help mee


                                                  It's like when u understand the mechanics, ur brain just analyses the sitauation on auto pilot in every part of the game but after a certain bracket your auto pilot mode us gonna hold you there and that bracket depends on how complex that auto pilot is as u made those habits ingame. Like the basic csing. U know how to jungle and how to lane, which lvl u even can start jungling and etc with a hero which is mechanical. U can either put urself on auto pilot and let ur brain decide the same thing u did on that other game which the situation was like this or u could take control and see if the x hero can harrass the shit outa u make a new and different decision. So i think trying to learn this combination on ecery aspect even more complex ones is what we all should do after learning all mechanical skill.

                                                  And cookie i'll ask tmrw im in bed rn :d


                                                    what is macro?

                                                    Oke so I think my problem is not the mechanical part. Because i am a pretty good laner and I tent to lose games in late game. so that must mean the item builds and things like that?

                                                    I mean i almost always have the most last hits and I main mid and most of the time get around 60 cs at 10 mins (depending on the hero) with sf and meepo and such even more.

                                                    So what are some tips to improve your overall gaming without mechanical skills?


                                                      R u saying my godlike theorycrafts rnt useful in 700 memer doto? Shit
                                                      Kappa 123
                                                      Btw what do u do when u wanna spam a hero but all possible positions to play him get markeded first or randomed into?


                                                        @Nyio you get just 60 cs at 10 mins with sf and meepo?
                                                        pls dont play these hero again
                                                        oh right, your mmr explain everything

                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                        casual gamer

                                                          im a god of marking mid

                                                          mr. rabbit

                                                            @raj u first pick that hero and mark down ur preferred lane


                                                              @raj ye just mark somewhere and pick your hero if they picked the same position and marked dont move but when the game starts and they got all their items u could always just play ur hero as pos4 especially in ur mmr just walk around map killing blind 1ks rofl more networth than ur pro carry who didnt let u carry


                                                                Also nyio u gotta think again man in 2k getting avg 70 cs with sf is ez af and if u dont got jungler u could get 100 @10min mark with meepo in normal game i got to 124 lh @10 with meepo in 1v0 lobby farm practice

                                                                so u definitely still lack a lot of mechanical skill. Watching pro replays and tournaments and learning their new moves and farm patterns adds up to ur mechanical game knowledgr but understanding why they did that gets u even higher. U gotta watch more pro replays and just analyse a lot of em to actually get better


                                                                  this is an example of my analysis on one of my games as invo after watching sumail's invo first then mine


                                                                    ^ i thought im the most retard here in dotabuff with my blogs and sht. Apparently, people still write in papers nowadays.


                                                                      The only replay i bothered to analyze seriously was a 6k AM replay shitstomping the game
                                                                      Guess which hero I have 80% ranked winrate on my main now


                                                                        More comfortable to write than type for me but the purpose was to jusr give an example


                                                                          Obv u try to mark first, but if they mark first, and/or random into a position, then try to force u out of ur already marked one, etc.

                                                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                            Look like u put much more efforts then me in Dota,good luck at grinding @Sia


                                                                              One of the biggest reasons i could get out of low 4k so easily is because i once got trashed talked by a 7k who was boosting, i had no impact in that game.

                                                                              I added and asked him later what i was doing wrong because i was really really trying.

                                                                              He said that i simply had no macro game, no game plan.

                                                                              Your micro game is how you press your buttons, yout macro is how you outplan your enemies.

                                                                              The game was actually quite simple, i played a safelane carry and i got shat on in lane, and i really tried to win that lane.

                                                                              But he told me, dude why are you tryng to solo a timber as a underleveled melee carry, even if you were miracle you cant win that.

                                                                              If you realized you couldve just left the lane and went jungle instead you wouldve had items to join that 13 min fight and win it with us.

                                                                              But i was like "if i left we'd lose our tower and timber would snowball"

                                                                              But then he said " sooner or later that timber will snowball, all you would do is just feed him and delay that tower from being destroyed, so just let it go and go farm the jungle"

                                                                              I was mechanically good, but i was trying to push a horse up a cliff skyrim style, instead of just going around the cliff.

                                                                              Sure maybe i couldve pulled that horse somehow up that cliff, but realistically that horse wouldve just fell over on me and rolled over me to my death

                                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                A very good point, although your horse example kinda lol


                                                                                  @My team mates is the best gift
                                                                                  Can you read proparly? Actually the dumbest comment i have ever seen. Had to be from a low 4k self claimed pro ofcourse


                                                                                    And sia thank you for your good tips. I will try to get 120 last hits with meepo at 10 mins. Did you stack with the meepos after pushing the lane or just went jungle?


                                                                                      quick reminder that if you were to do all these challenges you would go from 2k to 3k in a week by applying them in real time as good as aproximately to a real game you can:

                                                                                      easy ones:

                                                                                      1. 10 min- no creeps missed (82+ lasthits minimum)
                                                                                      2. 10 min- 80 lh/40 deny safelane, creeps can't enter either team's tower. if they do you reset
                                                                                      3. 10 min- 100 LH safelane
                                                                                      4. 30 min- 600 LH
                                                                                      5. less than 15 min- end the game(destroy enemy ancient)

                                                                                      advanced ones:

                                                                                      1. 11 min- 120 LH
                                                                                      2. 30 min- 800 LH
                                                                                      3. 10 min- 100 CS+(LH+DN counts) as morphling -> lvl 1 strenght morph and never level anything again, turn it on and don't turn it off. buy a set of tangoes and a wraith band, you'll constantly have only 25~ damage.
                                                                                      4. less than 10 min- end the game(destroy enemy ancient)

                                                                                      all are done in lobby games, no bots 1v0

                                                                                      mr. rabbit

                                                                                        @cookie i need your opinion on something

                                                                                        how should i divide my time between learning the game (replays, reading shit, etc) and actually playing?

                                                                                        i feel like im getting nowhere if i just keep on half-assing both of them because i cant divide my time properly within

                                                                                        sometimes i try to watch games then realize i wont have time to play and vice versa


                                                                                          I actually tried once but somehow missed timing if i did it all 3 odd min marks i believe i couldve got to 135 or smtg


                                                                                            @alice watch one pro match watch the same hero ur match compare and analyse like said above then start playing. If u did good continue if u didnt do good analyse it fast paced. Dont start next immidiately if u dont feel energetic u know like when u start the first one and u r hyped to win

                                                                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                              ^Have you try to keep on playing until someone make a post with a video on Dotabuff about you?

                                                                                              I learn my lesson on how bad can I be when I am tilted and how to adjust in just abit farming pattern can make big difference from that.

                                                                                              Try to get someone to make a post like that,hope it helps.
                                                                                              Kappa 1-ice-3


                                                                                                Jungle 5/7 PogChamps


                                                                                                  you figure out what you're bad at in the game, by looking at where you lose control of the game/ enemies (mistakes) and then you look for solutions and execution of those solution in replays of higher mmr players, and you watch for alternative stuff you could be doing in your own replays.
                                                                                                  then you spam the hero of choice to get the mechanical skill and hero skill on that subject


                                                                                                    Hey sia, thanks for those! Is saved the challanges and will definitly practise them,

                                                                                                    Does it matter with wich hero you do the first few?


                                                                                                      No problem man

                                                                                                      try with easy attack animation heroes first (like jug and antimage and alch then go for bad attack animation ones (like drow, lina, etc) and fast ones and weird ones (like razor, sniper and gyro)


                                                                                                        Also tnx to cookie for the insight ;)