General Discussion

General Discussioncookes strict crystal maiden pattern to win almost any 0-4k mmr game

cookes strict crystal maiden pattern to win almost any 0-4k mmr game in General Discussion
doc joferlyn simp

    did this but did a little jungling on enemy side of map cuz people are retarded xd

    doc joferlyn simp

      see that moonshard boi? thats efficient farming

      mr. rabbit

        you didnt even fucking buy it yourself

        doc joferlyn simp

          efficient persuasion boi. even better than efficient farming


            that's a new level of stomp as CM XD

            ggwp, i personally wouldn't do it just because the point of this is to end the game as fast as possible, for that you need crystal maiden items :p

            mr. rabbit

              ^far from it, this guy couldnt catch up to my ganks at all unless i tryhard and coordinate with him :vvv

              doc joferlyn simp

                who said desolator isnt an item for cm

                day 7: no one has observed "cookes" yet. everything is according to plan

                doc joferlyn simp

                  well sorry sir if i cannot charge half way through the map at one click, nor can i afford waste time trying to position myself perfectly when i need to satisfy the other 3 cores spamming ">We need wards."


                    Funny how you guys talk about supporting
                    Talk to me when you can climb with support

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      says the guy with antimage as avatar :thinking:


                        You havent seen me roam


                          I can even make apoop go 7-0-17 😏


                            @cookies ccksucker talk to me about climbing playing support

                            Spikey Tiger

                              this works really well and the funniest is listening to the haters cracking the sads about you jungling for the first 4 minutes of the game.

                              Spikey Tiger

                                also I'm 5 outta 7 and i had never used crystal maiden


                                  tips to 1k-2k if youre still stuck in this mmr, you have to make a positive attidude if you want to win your game. DON'T PICK SUPPORT. just pick independent cores or pick someone else that is independent. Like axe and ursa.


                                    tips to 1k-2k if youre still stuck in this mmr, you have to make a positive attidude if you want to win your game. DON'T PICK SUPPORT. just pick independent cores or pick someone else that is independent. Like axe and ursa.


                                      It is still working (and worth it) with the 7.06 update and the reduction of gold and xp given by neutral ?

                                      "Neutrals now give 20% less XP and Gold"

                                      Because, if I do all possible for the first 4 minutes (*4 hard camp + *2 medium + *3 bounty runes) , I only have my lvl 4 and the gold for the boots + courier upgrade. So i can't buy clarity, tp, smoke or ward for the gank safe lane.

                                      Questo commento è stato modificato
                                      d[-_-]b ZeKon <(^^,)>

                                        have you had time to do the numbers cookie??


                                          gah, i don't wanna re-make the pattern.

                                          2lazy, someone else make a new pattern

                                          Questo commento è stato modificato
                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            I think there is a gigantic flaw in your plan, and that is that you base everything on the idea that a sub 4k player will do the PvE part properly every time.


                                              How is this build possible? I've been trying consistently, and I literally can't make the clear. Does it assume that you use the shrine in the middle? I just take far too much damage in the initial few camps, even with kiting. Do you frostbite smaller creeps at all? Also, what is the stack timing? It used to be 0:53, but the creeps reset too fast for that to work right now. Do you autoattack smaller creeps continuously? I can't clear the camps without doing so, but if I do so the stack is very very difficult because the creeps are often moving, so they tend to reset back into the camp to block the stack...


                                                Learn aggro mechanics dear.

                                                If the camp stacks at x:55 that means the aggro duration is 5-6seconds

                                                Meaning you have to stop aggroing it before x49 or it wont come back to stop moving at x54.


                                                  Guess I'll try a new pattern and probably try stacking every minute til lvl 6 for myself and get an early level Let it Go on neutrals

                                                    Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                                                      ^it's not boring when you can solo kill like everyone in the game


                                                        Thanks for the heads up- I just didn't know the numbers tbh (I mostly stopped playing for a while, so not used to 7.0 map). I've managed to make this a bit more consistent, but even best-case I can only barely clear level 4 and I end up with basically no mana and health. Do you have advice for clearing the centaur camps? They screw me every time...


                                                          nothing better than playing cm mid then going MoM and rapier

                                                          wake up :)

                                                            Very nice

                                                            Keyser Soze

                                                              @ithuriel you shoulnt be losing any hp as jungling cm, just pull creeps and freez big one when they are about to move back...


                                                                I'm gonna use this to see if I can finally win a bot match by supporting! Then if I get it completely down, and actually win, ill use it in ranked.

                                                                Does this style of... Actually supporting. Work for other characters too? Like enchantress or KotL?

                                                                white boy summer

                                                                  "carry the whole game alone"
                                                                  "ask for one support in your team"
                                                                  choose one


                                                                    carrying as in winning for your team, which is not unrealistic with a strong hero like crystal

                                                                    >Easy Money.

                                                                      Honestly, I actually think this is a good guide. The thing is, most supports have no idea wtf to do (half the time im supporting i've no idea wtf to do)--and at least with CM if ur jungling ur increasing ur networth while providing mana regen for ur entire team, which is why I think this guide works.

                                                                      Well done : )


                                                                        @Cookie Would this still work in the current patch (7.06)? Given that the jungle gives 20% less exp and gold. Nice guide, btw!

                                                                        Lahai Roi

                                                                          Anyone got some new replays for this?


                                                                            Is this still work???


                                                                              OK GUYS. i realized that this is what i have been doing in my games. kudos to cookie for creating this guide, though i just read this thread today. so yeah. it works. climbed from 3200 to 4600 solo mmr. LOL!

                                                                              SPAM CM = WIN


                                                                                Also, i saw some people asking if you can climb SOLO MMR using supports. Yes, i am proof of that. Road to 5k now.


                                                                                  can we still do this cookie? got red days. i need to improve


                                                                                    i can't believe that he's still going up, i coached him like 3 times and he went from 3.4 to 4.4k in literally no time


                                                                                    so if you're wondering if you can still do this, then that's the answer

                                                                                    all role player

                                                                                      trying it for the first time and got tranquil and smoke in 3 min try gank mid -> fail - > got blamed -> feed -> got lp
                                                                                      well i did buy the cour but our carry is afk and bot crushed in 5 min so....

                                                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                        I give this 322 pogchamps